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Yannick Trapman-O'Brien, Author
Transcript: Bachir, page 2 of 3

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Question 2: Bachir

What does it feel like to miss someone?

It feels strange, 'cause usually when you're growing up you're always with the same people who actually—without realizing as a kid—you know that they really care about you. So when you're growing up as a kid, you just .. —depends on your life experience, you think—maybe the—for a certain situation, you wanted a game, a toy or something, they care about you, but they just .. they think in the long run. So when you grow up, like as soon as you get 18, 19, you start to think about like "yeah, they actually really care about me." So, just that's the relation we build with our family.

Question 3 Bachir
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