As I Remember It: Teachings (Ɂəms tɑɁɑw) from the Life of a Sliammon ElderMain MenuTerritoryPeople of the LandColonialismResilience in the Face of Racism and ConflictCommunityLiving TogetherWellnessCaring for Body, Mind, and SpiritThe Sliammon LanguageHow We CommunicateFeatures and ResourcesWays to Use This BookAbout This BookUBC PressAs I Remember It - Peer Review Copy – Pub. March 29, 20192019-03-29T07:55:01-07:00As I Remember It - Peer Review Copy – Pub. March 22, 20192019-03-22T13:09:31-07:00
Our Process
12017-06-26T11:34:36-07:00Christopher B. Teuton & Hastings Shade, with Loretta Shade & Larry Shade4583f59774ff4c9c529fdbdef4152f62c30202327100Making This Bookimage_header2019-09-11T13:04:56-07:00Anonymous
12017-06-26T11:34:36-07:00Christopher B. Teuton & Hastings Shade, with Loretta Shade & Larry Shade4583f59774ff4c9c529fdbdef4152f62c3020232Transformational Listening—By Paige Raibmon69image_header2019-09-11T13:06:12-07:00Anonymous
12018-09-20T20:25:33-07:00Christopher B. Teuton & Hastings Shade, with Loretta Shade & Larry Shade4583f59774ff4c9c529fdbdef4152f62c3020232Digital Remediation—By Davis McKenzie51image_header2019-09-11T16:09:38-07:00Anonymous