As I Remember It: Teachings (Ɂəms tɑɁɑw) from the Life of a Sliammon ElderMain MenuTerritoryPeople of the LandColonialismResilience in the Face of Racism and ConflictCommunityLiving TogetherWellnessCaring for Body, Mind, and SpiritThe Sliammon LanguageHow We CommunicateOur ProcessMaking This BookFeatures and ResourcesWays to Use This BookAbout This BookUBC PressAs I Remember It - Peer Review Copy – Pub. March 29, 20192019-03-29T07:55:01-07:00As I Remember It - Peer Review Copy – Pub. March 22, 20192019-03-22T13:09:31-07:00
Mary and Denise
12019-02-11T22:27:16-08:00Anonymous719Mary George and her granddaughter Denise Smith at the Salish Centre in the 1980s.2019-03-11T21:46:32-07:009780774861250_EP_0321980sStill ImageElsie PaulAnonymous
This is an excerpt from a much longer recording of a conversation between Elsie and the late Mary George. Mary's responses to Elsie, which were almost entirely interjections, were taken out in the version in the book for reasons of space. The excerpt is presented here as the segment was originally recorded and transcribed.