As I Remember It: Teachings (Ɂəms tɑɁɑw) from the Life of a Sliammon Elder

Home: An Invitation to Listen

As I Remember It

Teachings (Ɂəms tɑɁɑw) from
the Life of a Sliammon Elder

Elsie Paul

with Davis McKenzie, Paige Raibmon & Harmony Johnson

It’s very important, our tɑʔɑw. “tɑʔɑw” means “the teaching”

Protocol for Being a Respectful Guest

The protection and integrity of ʔəms tɑʔɑw is the central concern of this project. As authors we grappled with the many forms that the internet takes, and the ways that it can replicate and amplify colonial paradigms vis a vis Indigenous knowledge. The stories, photos, videos, and language shared on this site are belongings, not content.

I Agree
An Invitation to Listen
In this interactive, media-rich work, ɬaʔamɩn Elder Elsie Paul shares her life story and the teachings of her people, in her own words and storytelling style.
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