This page was created by Anonymous. 

As I Remember It: Teachings (Ɂəms tɑɁɑw) from the Life of a Sliammon Elder

Giving Testimony and Bearing Witness

See for example, Marlene Brant Castellano, Linda Archibald, and Mike DeGagné, eds., From Truth to Reconciliation: Transforming the Legacy of Residential Schools (Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2008); Gregory Younging, Jonathan Dewar, and Mike DeGagné, eds., Response, Responsibility, and Renewal: Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Journey (Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2009); and Ashok Mathur, Jonathan Dewar, and Mike DeGagné, eds., Cultivating Canada: Reconciliation Through the Lens of Cultural Diversity (Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2011). See also, “Statement Gathering,” Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, accessed 25 April 2013,

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