This page was created by Anonymous.  The last update was by Christopher B. Teuton & Hastings Shade, with Loretta Shade & Larry Shade.

As I Remember It: Teachings (Ɂəms tɑɁɑw) from the Life of a Sliammon Elder

About this Book

Meet Elsie Paul

Sliammon Elder ELSIE PAUL, known affectionately and with respect as Chi-Chia, is the recipient of the Canadian Historical Association's Lifetime Achievement award and received an honorary doctorate degree from Vancouver Island University in 2010 in recognition of a lifetime of effort dedicated to supporting First Nations well-being.

Meet Elsie's Collaborators

DAVIS MACKENZIE of the Sliammon First Nation is Elsie Paul’s grandson. He holds a BA in Sociology/Anthropology from Simon Fraser University and is an MA candidate in Communication Management at McMaster University. He is Director of Communications and Public Relations at the First Nations Health Authority in Vancouver. Davis served as Elsie Paul's lead collaborator.

HARMONY JOHNSON is Elsie Paul's granddaughter. She holds a BA from Simon Fraser University and has served in a number of policy and executive roles in BC First Nations organizations.

PAIGE RAIBMON is an associate professor in the Department of History at the University of British Columbia.

Linguistic Advisor

HONORÉ WATANABE is a linguist at the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. He has been studying the Sliammon language since 1990, and received his doctoral degree from Kyoto University in 2000.



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