Is “transnational performance” a genre in and of itself?
If so, what are its main characteristics?
What is “transnational”? Is there one notion of “transnational” or several?
The concept of "transnational" challenges the idea that nations (and national cultures) are pure and circumscribed to a territory, a people, and one official language. Scholars in the field of transnational studies highlight the fact that cultures are always relational and hybrid.
Transnational practices engage in a fluid space in the making and unmaking of nation states.
Transnational is a term that accounts for diasporic identities, that is, people who are identified with the culture of their homeland and with that of their "host countries" as well.
Transnational as an adjective also accounts for the differential narratives of those who challenge the official histories in which nations are built, histories which exclude other perspectives as in the case of indigenous cultures. In this example, a transnational account is enacted from "within" a nation.
Transnational as a tool or theoretical lens enables us to trace connections between dissident communities, such as in the case of transindigeneity, which links cultural practices by indigenous peoples beyond nation-states.
Shu-mei Shih and Francoise Lionet coined the term "Minor Transnationalism" focusing on lateral relations between transnational minorities in opposition to other studies of top-down transnationalism that highlight oppressive practices orchestrated by large corporations and global financial institutions.
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