A Poop Attack
In March of 2002, in the middle of the Argentinean economic and political crisis, the art collective Etcétera organized the "Mierdazo" (Poop Attack) as a new form of social protest. The artists invited people to collect feces with the purpose of throwing them against the building of the National Congress the day in which the yearly budget was to be discussed.
The act opened with a performer wearing a suit and a sheep mask. He sat on a toilet that had been installed on a red carpet to defecate in public. The actor carried a sign that read "Me cago en el sistema" (I shit on the system) and was surrounded by other signs and banners presenting defecation as a form of politics in retribution to the politicians' modus operandi.
Finding the action compelling and representative of their sentiment towards Argentinean politics, other demonstrators emulated the defecating actor. The action was widely covered on the media and reached distant areas of the country where other activist organizations replicated the mierdazo in front of banks and governmental buildings.
The act opened with a performer wearing a suit and a sheep mask. He sat on a toilet that had been installed on a red carpet to defecate in public. The actor carried a sign that read "Me cago en el sistema" (I shit on the system) and was surrounded by other signs and banners presenting defecation as a form of politics in retribution to the politicians' modus operandi.
Finding the action compelling and representative of their sentiment towards Argentinean politics, other demonstrators emulated the defecating actor. The action was widely covered on the media and reached distant areas of the country where other activist organizations replicated the mierdazo in front of banks and governmental buildings.
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