Location: Room 206 Národní 3, 117 20 Staré Město
9:00 Opening remarks
Director of the Oriental Institute Dr. Ondřej Beránek
Welcome remarks
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Kaoru SHIMAZAKI
9:15 Presentation 1
Zuzana Rozwalka, Masaryk University
"'The Original Japanese': the First Japanese Performers on the Czech Stages"
10:00 Presentation 2
Morgaine Setzer, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
"Takai Ranzan (1762-1839) and Popular Historical Writing in Early Nineteenth-Century Japan"
10:45 short break
11:00 Presentation 3
Professor Yasui Manami, International Research Center for the Japanese Studies
"The Transformation of Fetus Perspectives in Japan"
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Presentation 4
Professor Susan L. Burns, The University of Chicago
"Human Rights, Biological Citizenship, and Reproductive Policy in Japan's Leprosy Sanitaria"
2:30 Presentation 5
Professor Sergey Kuznetsov, Irkutsk State University
"The Internment of Japanese Prisoners of War in the USSR and its Implications"
3:15 Coffee break
3:30 Presentation 6
Dr. Sherzod Muminov, University of East Anglia
"The Siberian Internment and the Transnational History of Postwar Japan"
4:15 Presentation 7
Ivo Plšek, Masaryk University
"The Japan Socialist Party and WWII Reparations with East Asia in the 1950s and 1960s"
5:00 The end of the first day
6:00 Dinner at Kozlovna (invited guests only)
Day 2 Saturday, October 12, 2019 Symposium "8 Years On: Scholars' Efforts to Reclaim Culture"
9:30 Professor Satō Hiroo, Tōhoku University
"The Watchful Gaze of the Dead--Catastrophe and Salvation in Japan"
10:40 short break
10:55 Professor Isomae Jun'ichi, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
"Could You Hear the Voices of the Dead? Religion's Role in the Great East Japan Earthquake"
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Professor Takakura Hiroki, Tōhoku University
"The Role of Culture in Times of Crisis: Collectivism and Individualism in the Coastal Fishing Industry after 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami"
2:30 short break
2:45 Yoh Kawano, University of California, Los Angeles
"Human Error"--film screening
4:00 Discussion Moderator, Dr. Nobuko Toyosawa (special guest: Watanabe Kazuhiko)
5:00 Reception
7:00 Reception dinner at Cafe Louvre (invited guests only)
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