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How to Know Hong Kong and Macau

Roberto Ignacio Diaz, Dominic Cheung, Ana Paulina Lee, Authors
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The Process


** It's important to note here that this is not a scientific experiment, but a social one. I had 10 cameras to give out in each of the two cities and 1 Camera (labelled C-Q) to keep a  record of who I gave the cameras out to, by taking a picture of the person each time I gave out a camera.

I put myself and 2 others in our USC group into the project. 14 other cameras were placed into  stamped, self-addressed envelopes and given out to people I met. I had the idea that I would give cameras out to people naturally as I experienced things. I didn't make too much of an effort to go beyond the activities that I was already doing, though I had to be more proactive in interacting with strangers than I usually would. I believed that I would try to give them out to as a diverse palette of people as I was able to interact with, though I think most of the people I managed to give the cameras to were high school to college aged and limited to my ability to communicate with people: it was difficult enough to give out cameras to total strangers, but not being able to speak Cantonese proved to be an obstacle in getting people to understand what the project was in the first place.

I also knew that it was a broad assumption to think that total strangers would not be suspicious of my intentions.

Another issue I discovered was the cameras themselves - many people, including me, are not used to having to look through a viewfinder in order to take a picture, and many do not use flash, either not sure when to use it or that it was intrusive to others.


(Hong Kong - Camera# - Photo#)

(Macau - Camera# - Photo#)
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