USC ATA Timeline
Timeline leading up to Applied Theatre Arts at USC
- September 2011: Discover ATA Master’s Program through a conversation with friends at a clothes swap.
- December 2011, Furiously study, study, study for GRE. Complete grad school application. Only one.
- January, Febraury, March 2012: Wait, wait, wait.
- April 2012: I should hear about it by now. On the wait list. Wrong address on letter. Submit corrected address.
- May 2012: Still waiting. Weeks pass. End of the month, worried that it’s taking so long. Checked in. Address never fixed. Letter sent to wrong place. Rejection.
- June 2012: Sad. Figuring it out.
- July 2012: Decide to sell my business and move forward with or without school.
- July 23, 2012: Call from Sergio. I have a place in the program and two days to decide if I want to accept. PS. It starts in one month.
- August 20, 2012: Week long TO intensive begins. Meet cohort for the first time.
- August 27, 2012: Dive into Applied Theatre Arts at USC.
- September 2011: Discover ATA Master’s Program through a conversation with friends at a clothes swap.
- December 2011, Furiously study, study, study for GRE. Complete grad school application. Only one.
- January, Febraury, March 2012: Wait, wait, wait.
- April 2012: I should hear about it by now. On the wait list. Wrong address on letter. Submit corrected address.
- May 2012: Still waiting. Weeks pass. End of the month, worried that it’s taking so long. Checked in. Address never fixed. Letter sent to wrong place. Rejection.
- June 2012: Sad. Figuring it out.
- July 2012: Decide to sell my business and move forward with or without school.
- July 23, 2012: Call from Sergio. I have a place in the program and two days to decide if I want to accept. PS. It starts in one month.
- August 20, 2012: Week long TO intensive begins. Meet cohort for the first time.
- August 27, 2012: Dive into Applied Theatre Arts at USC.
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