Antelope Part 1
Antelope Part 1
I am the antelope who did not consent.
I do not consent to the offer you make to use me tonight. I do not consent to your place for me. I have my own place. My own place in my self, in my life, in the universe. I will not be defined by you. I am a shooting star, blazing through the heavens and I am not ready to land.
Thank you for the offer and for the honor, but I do not consent. You are a gentleman and a warrior, but I do not consent. I do not give myself to you. You may not eat of my flesh. You may not use my spirit to make you strong. You must find that on your own, not from this antelope. I am the antelope who does not consent. You may not consume me.
I do not consent.
I am freedom. I am bliss. I am self expression, I am love and you may have neither my flesh nor my spirit.
I consent to traveling with you.
I consent to an exchange of knowledge, ideas, energy.
I consent to loving and dancing.
I consent to play and joy.
I consent to imagination and creativity.
All these things I am happy to create with you. If you do not see them in me, if you see me only as sustenance, I do not consent to that. I do not consent.
I consent to journey.
I consent to adventure
I consent to mutual vulnerability
I consent to bearing burdens with you.
I do not consent to bearing them for you.
I am the antelope, and I do not consent.
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