Scalar Class Project: Loss

Dr. Grubel's Death

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This page allows the viewer to explore the manner in which Patient Zero kills Dr. Grubel. Each body part on the page is placed in the position it would normally be on a human body: the skull on the top, the arm on the side, the stomach in the middle, and the feet at the bottom. It becomes clear that the layout represents Dr. Grubel’s body. When you click on one of the images, gruesome details about Dr. Grubel’s death come up. For example, “A section of Dr. Grubel’s cranium was removed, the frontal cortex had been severed and was missing, a single finger nail was found imbedded within the remaining segment of the brain.” Swann made this design choice in order to emphasize the loss of sanity on Patient Zero's part, which rises and matches the loss of humanity on Dr. Grubel's part. 

One of Swann’s main goals was making “The Lobotomy” have a very old and archaic feel. He achieved this by picking a font that looks like calligraphy, using many drawn and painted images, and choosing a background page that is decaying. On this specific page, the decaying of the paper in the background looks significantly like blood, which could symbolize the blood from Dr. Grubel. Swann wanted his work to look archaic in order to give it an eerie and frightening feel, almost as if this piece was left abandoned, only to be found by you.

This "Medium" article goes into depth about the reasons why abandonded locations are so terrifying even to some adults.

By Kyle Yuan

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