Function of Omamori
As the Japanese religious tradition focuses on this-worldly benefits of health, harvest, and prosperity, omamori themselves focus on these central characteristics. There are many types of omamori, related to various benefits, and they tend to focus on preventative measures (yakuyoke) as opposed to opening of good fortune (kaiun). The seven primary omamori prayers are for 1) anzan- healthy pregnancy and easy delivery, 2) kaium- open luck, 3) kōtsū anzen-traffic safety, 4) yaku yoke- avoidance of evil, 5) shōbai hanjō-business prosperity, 6) en musubi- marriage or acquisition of a mate, and 7) gakugyō jōyu- luck in education and passing the examination. Different temples specialize in different benefits and may sell only some of these prayer concerns. For instance, the Kompira shrine in Shikoku provides 77 types of omamori for 45 different concerns. Additionally, individuals may request their own personalized prayer which will be included in an omamori for their personal benefit.
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