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Pilgrimages---Canton to Chichibu

Pilgrimages to Kannon and Jizo Bosatsu---East and West

Mark W. MacWilliams, Author

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Arhat (one who is worthy)
阿羅漢, 羅漢

General Definition:
  • In Buddhism, arhat refers to a perfected person who has gained insight into the true nature of existence and has achieved nirvana and thus has freed themselves from the cycle of rebirth.

In-Depth Information:

  • Arhat is considered to be the proper goal of a Buddhist in Theravada Buddhism.
  • It is believed that one must pass through three earlier stages of existence before being reborn in heaven as an Arhat.

Mahayana Criticism:

  • Mahayana Buddhists have criticized the goal of becoming an arhat as selfish and considers the Bodhisattva to be a higher goal because the Bodhisattva remains in the cycle of rebirth to work for the good of others. 
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