Are You Suffering with Back Pain?

So, have you been a back pain suffered like me? Well it looks like we are not the only ones! Check this amazing article out for more information. Well I think it’s quite interesting anyway.
I was having a look at some research about back pain, that was published in 2018. Anyway, this research found that increasing numbers of people in the South East of England are suffering back and neck pain.
I was surprised to see that as much as two fifths (40%) of people in the South East are currently experiencing back or neck pain, a 13% increase on the last year 2017.
I know research can be a bit boring, but I was surprised by the results, so thought I’d share them and some ideas of self-help if you’ve got back pain like me.
So, this bit of back pain research, was carried out by the British Chiropractic Association. It was more of a survey than hard research but still interesting and their recommendations are worth thinking about.
Their bit of research or survey if you like found that back pain sufferers in the South East had certain triggers which are listed below:
They also found that 22% of neck and back pain sufferers are “younger people”and more of them are suffering.

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What can I do?
The important thing to know is YOU can do something to help yourself. There are many things that we can each do to help ourselves with back pain. However, with modern day life the norm when experiencing back pain is to reach for a painkiller.  Don’t get me wrong there is certainly a place for medication in thisworld, but when there are also things that we can do in a more natural way to help protect against back pain or alleviate it,wouldn’t this be the better option for us.
Bad habits that we adopt may be the cause of your back pain as well as preventing the alleviation of pain.
As the findings shown above, the three top triggers for back pain was lifting, sitting and posture.
Just being aware of our own bad habits is a start and I found a great blog siteherewhich has many blogs relating to the top three triggers for back pain.
I’ve added some of the blog links below to get you started. There is a lot of other material which I also found was great reading.
Check out the blogs. I have already started to make changes and pay a lot more attention to my posture now and been enjoying doing the ‘brugger exercise’. 
Sitting too long? It may be affecting your Spinal Health
Sitting posture – Brugger exercise
Top Ten Posture and Body Sins
Chiropractic advice for women suffering back-ache

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Natural Therapy
Chiropractic is a very safe and natural therapy which works with the body to help heal itself. Chiropractic is ideal with helping to preventand alleviating back pain the natural way.
Chiropractic looks at treating the root cause not the symptom. This of course makes sense. If we are only getting the symptomfixed, then the root cause remains.
Fixing the symptom is easy. It doesn’t take much effort on our part. Taking a pain killer for the pain. You may feel relief very soon afterwards but unfortunately does not get to the root of the problem that is causing the symptom.
A chiropractor will carry out a range of tests to determine the root cause and devises a care plan to help treat the root cause not the symptom. I can personally recommend chiropractic treatment. I started chiropractic when I was a child. My parents had got fed up with me moaning about my back and I was taken to see a chiropractor. Did you know chiropractors are specialist in muscles, joints and any trapped nerve problems?
I had a number of appointments and received manual manipulation to my spine which helped relieve my back pain. I also learnt about exercise and nutrition and the combination of all these factors which helped me to greater wellness. I still enjoy having chiropractic to this day and mainly receive care now just to keep on top of things, maintenance care. We see our dentist regularly to help prevent tooth decay, so it makes perfect sense to be looking after the rest of our bodies also.
If you have a history of back problems simple changes or check-ups at a chiropractors are worth considering.
If you are interested in finding out more about chiropractic self-help tips and hints or chiropractic treatment, why not visit this great clinic I came across here.