Mark Tompkins SEC Song and Dance

The Origins of Modern Ballet

Throughout all stages of civilization, art has been used as a way to communicate beliefs and express ideas about the human experience. Thus, in our time, along with the classic ballet, which is still cherished, modern ballet has also developed. Mark Tompkins SEC is a talented dancer and teacher of contemporary dance. He is also the author of the Mark Tompkins Sec Song and Dance non-fiction book, where he talks about the origin and evolution of modern dance, especially ballet, and how it is expected to progress.

When we talk about modern ballet, we can’t help but notice the roots of this popular dance today. What is actually a ballet and how did it originate? Ballet is a theatrical form of the game that began to develop in Western Europe during the Renaissance (1300-1 1600). Ballet technique consists of stylized movements and attitudes that have been developed over the centuries in a precisely defined, although somewhat variable, system called the academic dance ballet.

Modern ballet seeks freer and richer body movements that can express a multitude of thoughts and feelings. Dealing with modern dance - modern ballet contributes to optimal body development in children, helps them develop feelings of security, tolerance, self-respect, desire for advancement, and motivates them to give their maximum in the ballet game. Since modern ballet strives for a unity of movement and music, Mark Tompkins SEC often uses aesthetic components of classical ballet through a modern ballet expression, in order to show a new way of expressing his thoughts and feelings. As the main dance choreographer in his ballet school, Mark Tompkins SEC tries to bring all of his students into the ballet game and encourage them to follow their own moves. Modern ballet is a type of dance that stems from a classic ballet and is based on a ballet technique that is complemented by relaxed and free dance movements.

For this kind of art, Mark Tompkins SEC said that the content is free from rigid ballet techniques, constantly striving for new types, forms, and expressions, but in its foundation, it has the basic techniques of classical ballet. In short, modern ballet uses classical ballet techniques, to express itself in a new way, and give performing elements a new look. Mark Tompkins SEC believes his approach offers a clear distinction to other establishments with an original and personal touch, and an emphasis on fun. In his view, dance is an exceptional way to connect with people in a healthy, active, and personal way that lasts a lifetime and really touches one's soul.

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