Idealism in E-Lit

Mechanics of Evolution

Evolution is an attempt to make a machine an ideal poet. However, this process wouldn't generally work because poetry requires originality and creativity, and a machine cannot be imbued with its own creative nature. This is where Johannes Helden comes in. Hakan Jonson, the creator of Evolution, tries to bypass the computers inability to have it’s own creativity by showing it the creativity of an existing author. In order for the machine to pick up on patterns littered through the works of Helden, Jonson uses A.I. programming. A.I. is a program that is given an incentive and then left alone to learn how to reach its goal. Every time the A.I. fails to reach its goal, it learns from its mistakes and changes in order to get a little closer next time. The intent of every alteration, or “generation” as it is called, is to come a little closer to the incentive. In this case the incentive is to write original poetry in a certain style. Evolution simply shows every generation of the A.I. as it attempts to grow. The understanding of the generations is important in understanding the final outcome of Evolution.

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