Being Wronged

Introduction to "Hobo Lobo of Hamelin"

Hobo Lobo of Hamelin is a horizontal web comic, built using the Parallax.JS javascript framework, that is read by scrolling from right to left. After reaching the end of each page one can navigate to the next page or a page not in sequence by clicking on the appropriate icon. On some pages sound needs to be turned on. Sound in this work takes the form of background soundscapes that match the environment as described at that point in the story. It makes for a more engaging experience while reading the comic.

Stevan Živadinović its author has skillfully created a work that presents Hobo Lobo (a stranger in the small settlement of Hamelin who has astound problem solving abilities) as being inferior and wronged by the mayor of the city when he doesn't receive the agreed payment that was promised to him for successfully ridding the town of a rat infestation.

Hobo Lobo of Hamelin is a work that is not finished as the story continues to be developed and updated periodically. The work can be viewed here:

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