Ph.D. Candidate, Rhetoric and Writing, Bowling Green State University.
Case Study: Moving from Perceptions to Realities: Lessons Learned from Hollow
Megan Adams’s current research involves work with a group of community storytellers in Appalachia in an effort to understand how access to digital tools and spaces affects identity and agency. Her research interests include rural and Appalachian literacies, digital storytelling, teaching with technology, and feminist rhetorical practices. Her work has appeared in Computers and Composition Online and Appalachian Heritage. Also, she has been a Design Editor and Book Review Editor for Computers and Composition Online.

Anthropologist at the Cultural Transformations Lab at Intel, @kxande2,
Case Study: Hackathons as a Site for Civic IOT: Initial Insights
Ken Anderson is an iconoclast by nature and a symbolic anthropologist by training. Over the last 20 years, his research has explored the relationship between identity, culture and technology (ICTs). Besides his research duties, Ken is spearheading efforts to develop world-wide university collaborations with Intel around “green by information and communication technologies (ICTs)”. Ken’s career has included positions in the labs of AT&T, MediaOne, US West, and Apple Computer. He has taught at Brown University, UCHS and Bethel College. He is founder and currently president of the board of directors for EPIC and on the governing board of National Association for the Practice of Anthropology.
Assistant professor, University of Colorado (Boulder).
Case Study: Digital Feminism in Italy: The Se Non Ora Quando Social Movement
Michela Ardizonni received her Ph.D. in Media Studies from Indiana University-Bloomington. Her research focuses on global media, transnationalism, identity politics, immigration, Mediterranean Studies, activist and urban media, and connected media practices. Her study of Italian television North/South, East/West: Mapping Italiannes on Television was published in 2007. Additionally, Ardizzoni is the co-editor of Globalization and Contemporary Italian Media (2010). She’s currently working on a book about the practices of connectivity and mediated social change in contemporary Italian society.
Research Assistant, University of Toronto.
Case Study: Your Story Goes Here: A Case Study Investigating Digital Storytelling and City Building
Andi Argast is a strategist, writer, and educator working in the intersection of digital technology and non-profit organizations. She has a background in marketing and communications and holds a Master of Information from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Journalism from Carleton University. Her research and work focuses on digital advocacy, community engagement, open data, media literacy, and inclusive information policy. Find her online, or on Twitter.
PhD student in Digital Media (UT Austin|Portugal program).
Case Study: ARTiVIS: Appropriating Surveillance Technology for Environmental Awareness and Protection
Pedro’s research revolves around developing creative programming tools that coordinate and take full advantage of all the nice parallel bits of silicon in the computers (multicore CPUs, GPUs, DSPs, etc.). He has a Computer Science background and specializations in Computer Graphics and Digital Art.
Postdoctoral fellow, FONDECYT, ICEI-University of Chile
Case Study: Cuban Blogosphere: a Scenario for Political Debate and Dissent
Lázaro M. Bacallao-Pino is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chile (National Fund for Scientific and Technological Research Postdoctoral Program, Government of Chile). He earned his PhD in Sociology at the University of Zaragoza in 2012. His main research interests include communication and power relationships, as well as social movements, mainly their communication dimension and the use of ICTs. He has published about 30 articles, chapters of books and books on these topics.
Senior Lecturer, Journalism, Newcastle University, England.
Case Study: Pop-Up Newsroom: We Are Where You Are
David Baines spent 30 years in daily newspaper journalism and during that time he helped to train journalists within the industry and taught journalism as a visiting lecturer in higher education. He became a full time academic in 2007.
Ph.D., University of Washington
Case Study: Website to Weibo: Activating the Local Communication Network and Civic Engagement in a Diverse City
Sandra Ball-Rokeach is a Professor of Communication and Sociology in the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, at the University of Southern California. She is also the Principal Investigator of the Metamorphosis Project. Sandra is author or editor of six books: Violence and the Media (with R. K. Baker), Theories of Mass Communication (with M. L. DeFleur), The Great American Values Test: Influencing Belief and Behavior through Television (with M. Rokeach & J. W. Grube), Media, Audience and Society (with M. G. Cantor), Paradoxes of Youth and Sport (with M. Gatz and M. Messner), and Technological Visions: The Hopes and Fears that Shape New Technologies (with M. Sturken and D. Thomas). Her published articles appear in such journals as Communication Research, Journalism Quarterly, Mass Communication and Society, American Sociological Review, Public Opinion Quarterly, Journal of Communication, New Media and Society, Social Problems, and The American Psychologist. She has been co-editor (with C. R. Berger) of Communication Research from 1992 to 1997, a Fulbright scholar at the Hebrew University and a Rockefeller Fellow at the Bellagio Study Center. She also serves on the advisory boards of the McCune Foundations, Southern California Public Radio, and the Research and Learning Group, BBC World Service Trust.
PhD candidate Journalism University of Maryland, College Park.
Case Study: Iran, the U.S., and Online Diplomacy
Saranaz Barforoush earned her M.S. degree from Southern Illinois University in 2011, where she wrote a thesis on the news production of Persian television channels broadcast from Britain and the United States. During her studies at SIU she also worked as a PR officer for SIUE’s School of Business and its Emergency Operation Center. She completed an M.A. degree in Cultural Studies and Media from the University of Tehran in 2008, where she studied the social effects in Iranian popular cinema before and after the 1979 Islamic revolution. After gaining her BA in journalism from Allameh Tabatabai University she worked as a journalist and translator for a number of high profile Iranian newspapers and weekly magazines. In addition to her journalism experience, she has worked as a PR manager for well-known IT organizations and news publications in Iran. Her research interests include: international journalism, diasporic media production and use, conflict coverage in the media, and freedom of the press.
Postdoc, Department of Social Communication at PUC-Rio - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Case Study: Citizenship and Digital Mobilization in Brazil
Alice Baroni has explored new relationships between professional photojournalism and community media photography in Brazil’s favelas. She holds a PhD in Journalism, Media and Communication from the Queensland University of Technology. Her research interests include journalism, participatory content creation, visual ethnography and discourse analysis.
Web Literacy Lead, Mozilla Foundation.
Case Study: Exploring Net Neutrality with Mozilla Webmaker
In this role he has worked with a group of stakeholders to define a new Web Literacy Standard specification. He is also known for his advocacy of Mozilla's Open Badges Infrastructure. Prior to Mozilla, Doug worked at Jisc infoNet and is a former teacher and Senior Leader in UK schools. Doug holds a BA (Hons) in Philosophy from the University of Sheffield, an MA in Modern History from Durham University, and an Ed.D. (also from Durham). His doctoral thesis is online and this is his personal website.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Case Study: Mashnotes
Dr. Roy Bendor explores the cultural and political significance of digital media. He teaches at Simon Fraser University’s School of Communication, and is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia, where he examines the ways in which interaction design can help shift the place sustainability occupies in the social imaginary. His recent writing appears in Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology, and Interactions.
e-Government Fellow at Cornell e-Rulemaking Initiative, Cornell Law School
Case Study: The Regulation Room
Cheryl Blake is e-Government Fellow at the Cornell e-Rulemaking Initiative (CeRI), where she supports CeRI's efforts to facilitate meaningful public participation in complex policymaking through the RegulationRoom discussion platform. She teaches Cornell Law School’s e-Government Clinic, which involves students in the operation and development of the RegulationRoom project.
Cheryl received her J.D. cum laude from Cornell Law School in 2013, where she served as Managing Editor of the Cornell International Law Journal and associate editor of the Legal Information Institute's Supreme Court Bulletin. During law school, she interned with the Human Rights Law Network in New Delhi and served as a student attorney in Cornell's International Human Rights and LGBT Advocacy clinics.
Founder & Director, Digital Empowerment Academy, Minneapolis.
Case Study: The Digital Empowerment Academy
Dr. Lanise Block has been an educator for 18 years. She is the Founder and Executive Director of the Digital Empowerment Academy and the Convener of the Northside Digital Innovation Alliance. Currently, Lanise is the Content Lead K-12: Social Studies in Minneapolis Public Schools. She has also worked as the Technology Integration Specialist for the West Metro Education Program. Lanise holds a Doctorate degree in Critical Pedagogy from the University of St. Thomas. Her research interests include digital divide, advocacy and inclusion.
PhD Candidate, Communication, University of Utah.
Case Study: Connecting Across Oceans Over Air
Elizabeth Brunner’s dissertation, “Image Tools and Digital Activism: Creating Social Change in China,” focuses on the mobilization of images in environmental demonstrations in China. She earned her MA in Communication from the University of Colorado Denver, her dual MFA in Painting and Art History from Ohio University, and her BA in English Literature from Ohio University’s Honors Tutorial College.
PhD Candidate, Griffith University, Australia.
Case Study: Marriage equality, Facebook profiles pictures, and civic participation
Bob’s doctoral project examines how queer youth engage with the people and spaces of the Gold Coast, and looks at what it means to 'be' queer at this time and in this place. The project asks how young queer people on the Gold Coast manage their sexual minority identities in a city that is normalized and naturalized as predominately heterosexual and patriarchal. It includes a ‘mapping’ of the spatial practices of queer young people on the Gold Coast; a consideration of these spatial practices with regard to Local, State and Federal Government policies and their impact on the lives of queer young people; a determination as to whether/how queer young people can access queer communities that are not solely ‘adult-centric’ (e.g. 18+ clubs); and the production of a set of recommendations for the various levels of Government to take queer young people and their welfare into account.
Lecturer, Queensland University of Technology, Queensland, Australia.
Case Study: Guerrilla Research Tactics: Alternative Research Methods in Urban Environments
Glenda Amayo Caldwell is a PhD candidate and researcher in the Urban Informatics Research Lab and a Lecturer in Architecture at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Through Glenda’s teaching and research she questions the effect of media and technology on the design of architecture and urban environments. Her investigations explore the connection between the digital layers and the physical layers of the city and how tangible expressions of the interrelationships between them create and define new experiences of place, creating hybrid place. Of particular interest are the use of digital fabrication, architectural pedagogy, guerrilla research tactics, and place-making to promote sensitive architecture that responds to the needs of the community.
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Journalism, University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada.
Case Study: Idle No More: Media and the Indigenous Revolution in Canada
Candis Callison’s research and teaching are focused on changes to media practices and platforms, journalism ethics, the role of social movements in public discourse, and understanding how issues related to science and technology become meaningful for diverse publics. She holds a Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and Society. Candis also has a Master of Science from MIT in Comparative Media Studies. She is the author of How Climate Change Comes to Matter: The Communal Life of Facts (Duke U Press, 2014). Prior to her academic work, Candis was a journalist and producer in Canada and the U.S. Candis is a member of the Tahltan Nation, a First Nation located in Northwestern British Columbia, Canada.
Manager of Digital Strategy & Advocacy, LatinoJustice PRLDEF/ Urban Arts Partnership.
Case Study: NYPD Stop and Frisk: A Youth Media Project
Jazmin Chavez is a passionate Social Media Strategist living in New York City. A lawyer by trade, she focuses on social media and movement strategies for non-profit organizations, artists and small businesses across the nation.
Nien-Tsu Nancy Chen is an Assistant Professor in Communication at California State University Channel Islands. She was a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California when this chapter was composed, and she has been involved with the research and development of the Alhambra Source since 2008. In addition to new media, civic engagement and intergroup relations, Nancy's other research interest pertains to health communication with diverse populations.
The CITRIS Connected Communities Initiative at UC Berkeley
Case Study: The California Report Card Version 1.0
Brandie Nonnecke3*, Tanja Aitamurto1, Daniel Catterson5, Camille Crittenden3, Chris Garland2, Allen Ching-Chang Huang8, Sanjay Krishnan6, Matti Nelimarkka4,9, Gavin Newsom2, Jay Patel6, John Scott7, Ken Goldberg6,8
The Connected Communities Initiative (CCI) at the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) at UC Berkeley brings creativity and innovation from computer science, electrical engineering, and social media to bear on issues of democracy building and civic participation.
CCI embraces the development of experimental online platforms and novel hardware and software systems that connect peers to each other and to institutions in meaningful and productive ways. The initiative develops tools to support dynamic relationships between digital media and democratic practices, such as the use of innovative mobile, Internet and social media applications to facilitate online deliberation, participatory decision-making, and rapid mobilization. CCI seeks to enhance individual and collective awareness, understanding, and engagement for people of diverse backgrounds on critical social, political, and economic issues. CCI collaborates with faculty members and research centers on multiple University of California campuses as well as with companies, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations in the United States and internationally.
More information is available at
1 Brown Institute for Media Innovation, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University;
2 California Office of Lieutenant Governor;
3 Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), University of California, Berkeley;
4 Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), Aalto University;
5 University of California, Berkeley, Department of Psychology;
6 University of California, Berkeley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science;
7 University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Education;
8 University of California, Berkeley, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research; and
9 University of California, Berkeley, School of Information
*Corresponding Author. Dr. Brandie Nonnecke can be reached at
Professor and Chair, Department of Media, Film, and Journalism Studies; Director, Estlow International Center for Journalism and New Media, University of Denver, Colorado.
Case Study: Padres y Jovenes Unidos:A Case Study of Student Empowerment through Critical Media Literacy
Lynn Schofield Clark’s ethnographic research focuses on the ways that everyday uses of digital media shape peoples’ experiences of their social identities in the context of widening income inequality in the U.S. She is currently engaged in a Youth Participatory Action Research project in Denver’s most culturally diverse high school where students are using digital and mobile media to make a difference in their communities. She is author of The Parent App: Understanding Families in a Digital Age (Oxford U P 2012), From Angels to Aliens: Teenagers, the Media, and the Supernatural (OUP 2005) and coauthor of Media, Home and Family (Routledge 2004). In 2014, she served as a Visiting Fellow with the Digital Ethnography Research Center at RMIT, and as Visiting Professor at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.
Assitant Professor, Emerson College, Research Affiliate at the MIT Center for Civic Media, Fellow at The Engagement Lab at Emerson College.
Case Studies: Terra Incognita: Serendipity and Discovery in the Age of Personalization; A Report from the First Hackathon at the White House
Catherine is a researcher, artist and software developer who investigates how data visualization, technology and new forms of storytelling can be used for civic engagement. She has conducted research on geographic bias in the news media, developed software to geolocate news articles and designed an application, “Terra Incognita”, to promote global news discovery. She is currently working with the Public Laboratory for Technology and Science to create an open source water sensing toolkit for journalists. Her art and design projects have won awards from the Tanne Foundation,, the LEF Foundation, and Dream It, Code It, Win It. In 2009, she was a finalist for the Foster Prize at the ICA Boston. Her work has been exhibited at the Eyebeam Center for Art & Technology, Museo d'Antiochia of Medellin, and the Venice Biennial.
Case Study: The Community Drupal Project
Doctoral student and researcher, Center for Work, Technology & Organization, Stanford Work; Research Affiliate, Center for Civic Media, MIT.
Case Study: Crowdfunding Civic Action: Pimp My Carroça
Rodrigo Davies co-founded Build Up, an award-winning social enterprise working on technology-supported methods for resolving conflict and developing communities, and published the first large-scale study of civic crowdfunding, the use of crowdfunding to produce public goods. He has served as an adviser and product manager on civic projects with the Mayoral offices of San Francisco and Boston, the United Nations Development Program and the UK-based crowdfunding platform Spacehive.
Ph.D. Candidate, UT Austin Department of Radio-Television-Film, University of Texas-Austin.
Case Study: MídiaNINJA and the Rise of Citizen Journalism in Brazil
In 2013, Stuart Davis he was a William J. Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Sociology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. His dissertation is “Networking the Favelas: Information and Communications Technologies and Economic Development in Rio de Janeiro’s Urban Periphery.”
Ph.D. candidate, Media, Technology, and Society Program, Department of Communication Studies, Northwestern University, Illinois.
Katie Day Good’s current research focuses on the history, culture, and politics of grassroots and global practices of mediated communication. She studies the ways in which users have historically mixed and mobilized various forms of old and new media to construct international identities, communicate across cultures, and seek and share global information in everyday life. Katie’s projects look to the past to illuminate present-day trends in digital and participatory media culture. Her research has appeared in New Media & Society, Media, Culture, & Society, and MediaCommons, and has been supported by fellowships from the Social Science Research Council and the American Association of University Women.
Media Literacy Educator and Assistant Professor of the Practice, Department of Educational Technology, Fairfield University, Connecticut.
Case Study: iPads in Education: Lessons in Civic Discourse and Disengagement
Belinha S. De Abreu’s focus is on the impact of learning as a result of media and technology consumed by K–12 students; providing students with viable, real-life opportunities for engaging in various technological environments while in turn encouraging students to be creative and conscious users of technology and media.
Dr. De Abreu’s work has been featured in Cable in the Classroom and The Journal of Media Literacy. She is the author of Media Literacy, Social Networking and the Web 2.0 World for the K–12 Educator (Peter Lang Publishers, 2011) and the co-editor/author of Media Literacy Education in Action: Theoretical and Pedagogical Perspectives(Routledge 2014). She serves as the Vice President for the National Telemedia Council, and recently organized the first international Media Literacy Research Symposium at Fairfield University.
Case Study: Mobilizing Collective Urban Actions through MicroActs
Christo is working on the following projects: MicroAct, an action-sharing platform developed through a workshop with Partizaning and Teplitsa at the Strelka Institute in Moscow. With the project, the creators aim to understand and support place-based, globally-connected community action by documenting tactical urbanism and media methods around the world.
Bordr is about interfacing artists, journalists, and audiences across contexts to change perceptions of local and geopolitical borders. Project Borders took shape as a series of camera-lending projects in Southern Africa, United States, and Jordan. It is now a series of digital installation exhibitions in Sweden and a border crossing app called Bordr.
Dr. José María Herranz de la Casa
Professor, School of Journalism at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
Dr. Jose Maria Herranz de la Casa teaches Sport Journalism, Specialized Journalism and Corporate and Organizational Communication. He has different papers, articles and research about: communication and transparency in social organizations and NGO's, business and organizational communication, social responsibility, and environmental journalism. Now he is also the director of El Observador de Castilla-La Mancha a multimedia journalism project.
Owner, CommunitySense, Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Case Study: The Tilburg Public Library KnowledgeCloud
Aldo de Moor is the owner of the research consultancy company CommunitySense. Its mission is to be a linking pin between academics and practitioners in the rapidly growing field of Community Informatics. Aldo holds a Ph.D. in Information Management, from Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
Professor, Communication, University of Utah.
Case Study: Connecting Across Oceans Over Air
Kevin Michael DeLuca explores how humanity’s relations to nature are mediated by technology. Besides the bookImage Politics, DeLuca has published dozens of essays on media, activism, social theory, and the virtues of violence. His current work engages environmental activism and social media in China.
Co-leader, City Digits project, Civic Data Design Lab, MIT.
Case Study: Youth Data Literacy as a Pathway to Civic Engagement
Erica Deahl is a designer and researcher creating media for education and social impact. She currently works at 18F, an organization in the General Services Administration that uses agile development and user-centered design to build better digital services for federal agencies. Erica finished an M.S. at MIT, where she researched the use of digital media in K-12 public education to support technological literacies and promote civic engagement.
PhD Student in the New Political Communication Unit, Department of Politics and International Relations at Royal Holloway, University of London
Case Study: 38 Degrees
James Dennis focuses on the effect of social media on citizenship and political engagement. The working title for his PhD is "It's Better to Light a Candle than to Fantasise About a Sun": Exploring Social Media, Political Participation and Slacktivism." He is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and is co-supervised by Professor Andrew Chadwick and Professor Ben O'Loughlin. James was a research assistant on a project exploring global responses to the 2012 London Olympics with the BBC. James has been a guest contributor for openDemocracy and the Political Studies Association blog, and has been interviewed about his work on BBC Radio Scotland.
Former Chief Operations Officer, Invisible Children.
Case Study: Kony 2012: Using Technology for Empathy
Margie Dillenburg is a third year doctoral fellow studying global civic engagement and empathy. She also works as an educational consultant, working with activist filmmakers, international organizations, and charities to generate action campaigns and educational experiences that encourage in-depth audience engagement.
Margie started her career in education in San Diego, co-founding a school in a border neighborhood. Starting as Americorps volunteer, she stayed on for four years as a teacher and administrator. Her career abruptly changed when her friends made a documentary called Invisible Children. For the next seven years, she developed and oversaw the grassroots movement and the domestic operations of the organization, serving as its COO. Invisible Children's student supporters hosted lobby events, international rallies, and international film tours, wrote global civic curriculum and bipartisan legislation, and produced over 100 different films and podcasts, one of which was the viral video, Kony 2012.
Associate Professor, Digital Media Program, School of Literature, Media, and Communication, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Case Study: Hackathons as a Site for Civic IOT: Initial Insights
Carl DiSalvo created The Public Design Workshop at Georgia Institute of Technology, which is a design research studio that explores socially engaged design practices and civic media.
His work draws together science and technology studies, the humanities, and design research to analyze the social and political qualities of design and prototype experimental systems and services. Carl’s current work is broadly concerned with forms of collectivity and the role of design in shaping and enabling collectivity. Specifically, he is studying issue-oriented hackathons as ad-hoc design events, and collaborative urban foraging as a site of speculative design in food systems.
Postdoc, Department of Communication at the University of Salzburg, Austria.
Case Study: #aufschrei - the role of twitter for feminist activism and as platform for alternative publics
Research interests include Theories of the Public Sphere, Feminist Media, Online-Communication.
Pre-faculty Fellow, Department of Teaching and Learning, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
Christian Ehret is Peabody Pre-faculty Fellow at Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. His research focuses on affective dimensions of literacy learning and new media making, within and beyond schools. He currently leads a participatory design project in a children’s hospital, in which he investigates how adolescents use digital media to generate and sustain affective atmospheres of wellbeing and belonging during prolonged hospitalizations. His work has been published in journals such as Research in the Teaching of English, New Media and Society, and the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy.
Assistant Professor of Digital Policy, University of Illinois in Chicago and Affiliated Researcher, Cornell e-Rulemaking Initiative, Cornell Law School.
Case Study: The Regulation Room
Dmitry Epstein is an Assistant Professor of Digital Policy at the University of Illinois in Chicago. His work focuses on the intersection of information, technology, policy, and society. Specifically, he studies Internet governance, information policy assumptions, and online civic engagement in policymaking. In the past he has also studied questions of information access and the digital divide.Dmitry's work is global and cross-disciplinary. While at Cornell, and as a fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, he has spent time looking into institutionalization of Internet governance and its discourse within the UN. During his postdoc at Cornell Law School, he worked with the interdisciplinary Cornell eRulemaking Initiative investigating technology and practices behind effective online civic engagement in complex policymaking processes. He is currently a member of the Steering Committee of Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) where he serves as a Communication Officer and as a member of the Program Committee. To his academic activity, Dmitry brings a record of work in the venture capital and consulting industries, as well as a record of social activism in international development.Dmitry's work has appeared in a number of edited volumes and scholarly journals such as The Information Society, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Information Policy, and Wake Forest Law Review.
Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, School of Communication & Information, Rutgers University.
Case Study: The 'Solutionistic' Logic of the National Day of Civic Hacking
She graduated with a doctorate from the Center for Work, Technology and Organization in the Department of Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University in 2009. Her current research looks at the connection of mobile technology, social media and new forms of organized behavior. She is also interested in innovations related to collaborative work practices and digital media and learning.
Ph.D. candidate, Center for Sociology of Innovation, France.
Case Study: WebNabludatel: a mobile app for electoral observers in Russia
Ksenia started her academic career at the faculty of philosophy at the Saint-Petersburg State University, working on the concepts of "chaos" and " miracles" (from 2005 to 2010). In 2008-2010 she studied political sociology at the French University College (CUF) and won a scholarship to make a Master research in Paris, at the University Paris 5 René Descartes. Her master thesis is an ethnographic study and a socio-historical analysis of occupations of universities as a form of protest in contemporary France. After getting her Master degree in 2011, Ksenia spent one year at the European University at Saint-Petersburg, making a fieldwork study about the usage of mobile applications by Russian activists during mass protests against falsification of elections. In summer 2012 Ksenia entered the Center for Sociology of Innovation (MinesParisTech), famous for its actor-network approach. At the CSI she is studying the process of social and technical innovation experimented and deployed within several arenes of mobilization in Russia and France, her research is particularly focused on the phenomenon of civic hacking and civic applications. Working within ANT and STS framework, Ksenia is interested in observing and analyzing the work of programmers and designers of interface, in order to comprehend and describe the translation of public problems into programming code and digital architecture.
Executive Director, Student Voice Project, Los Angeles.
Case Study: Hacking for Gold
Dr. Laurel Felt is the executive director of Student Voice Project—a non-profit dedicated to closing the achievement gap by reviving, supporting, and launching journalism education programs and student publications in underserved schools. Felt is also a Lecturer at the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism and a Columnist for KCET Departures. She is honored to sit on both the Student Leadership Council of the National Association for Media Literacy Education and the Leadership Council of Emerging Arts Leaders/Los Angeles. Felt’s doctoral dissertation in Communication examined 21st century learning in out-of-school contexts. Her academic writing has appeared in such publications as the Journal of Media Literacy Education, Evaluation and Program Planning, and Bank Street Occasional Paper Series.
Lecturer, Sociology, Lancaster University, United Kingdom.
Case Study: Internet Parties: The Internet as Party, Policy, Platform, & Persuasive Symbol
Adam Fish is a social anthropologist of digital culture, business, and politics. He investigates the interface of economic and political power, cultural discourses and practices, and networked communication technologies. These interests coalesce into critical and ethnographic investigations into media industries and media activism.
Based on his ethnographic research into media companies in Hollywood and Silicon Valley, Adam is presently writing a book about the corporate myths of media "democratization" and internet and television convergence. In his present project he is investigating the politics of information infrastructures through ethnographic fieldwork with cloud computing companies, peer-to-peer banks, and "internet freedom" activists.
Assistant Professor, Design at the Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology.
Case Study: The Designing Policy Toolkit
Laura’s research is on emergent forms of organizing and urbanism enabled by mobile, wireless and ubiquitous computing technologies with an emphasis on the socio-technical practices and spaces of innovation. She is co-editor with Marcus Foth, Christine Satchell and Martin Gibbs of From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen: Urban Informatics, Social Media, Ubiquitous Computing, and Mobile Technology to Support Citizen Engagement, which was published by MIT Press in 2011. Forlano was part of a collaborative project “Breakout! Escape from the Office” that was included in The Architecture League of New York’s Toward the Sentient City exhibition in 2009. Forlano received her Ph.D. in Communications from Columbia University in 2008.
Instructor/PhD student, Department of Education, Concordia University, Montreal, QC.
Case Study: NewsActivist: Using globally networked writing to facilitate cross-campus dialogue and engagement
Nicole Fournier-Sylvester is a humanities teacher at Champlain College Saint-Lambert and PhD candidate in the Education Department of Concordia University in Quebec, Canada. Nicole teaches courses on democracy, ethics, education and social change. She has written about the state of citizenship education in Quebec, the challenges that teachers face when teaching controversial issues in the classroom and is working on curriculum that uses online learning platforms to discuss social issues and develop critical thinking skills. Nicole’s current research and publications explore how information communication technologies can be used to facilitate critical intergroup dialogue and collaboration on civic and peace-building projects.
Ph.D. student in Political Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Alexander Furnas is a Ph.D. student in political science, where he studies interest group representation and quantitative methods. He graduated from Wesleyan University's College of Social Studies (CSS) with a B.A. in Social Studies, and hold an MSc. (oxon) with Distinction in the Social Science of the Internet from the University of Oxford, UK.
Prior to pursuing a Ph.D, Alexander was a research fellow at the Sunlight Foundation where he conducted quantitative studies of political influence and interest group representation working with lobbying, campaign finance and legislative datasets. While at Sunlight, Alexander conducted the Foundation's transparency case study project, which evaluated the impacts of technology enabled transparency policy around the world.
Reader, Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London.
Case Study: Becoming Civic: Fracking, Air Pollution and Environmental Sensing Technologies
Jennifer Gabrys is the Principal Investigator on the European Research Council (ERC) project, “Citizen Sensing and Environmental Practice,” which investigates the use of environmental sensors for new modes of citizen involvement in environmental issues. Prior to joining the Department of Sociology, Jennifer was Senior Lecturer and Convenor of the MA in Design and Environment in the Department of Design at Goldsmiths, University of London. She completed a PhD in Communication Studies at McGill University in Montreal, during which time she was engaged as a research fellow on the Culture of Cities and Digital Cities / Mobile Digital Commons projects.Her research investigates environments, material processes and communication technologies through theoretical and practice-based work. Projects within this area include a recently published book, Digital Rubbish: A Natural History of Electronics (University of Michigan Press, 2011), which examines the materialities of electronic waste; and a written study currently underway on citizen sensing and environmental practice, titled Program Earth: Environment as Experiment in Sensing Technology.
Research Fellow, Comparative Media Law and Policy, University of Oxford.
Case Study: Mobilizing from above: Government use of ICTs for state and nation building in Ethiopia
Iginio Gagliardone's research and publications focus on media and political change, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, and on the emergence of distinctive models of the information society worldwide. His current research projects explore the role of emerging powers such as China in shaping media and telecommunication in Africa and how new media are supporting (or challenging) processes of state and nation building. Iginio's research has been featured by Aljazeera, the BBC, Voice of America, and he has written for the Guardian, CNN, and the Huffington Post. He completed his PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science, investigating the relationship between development and destabilization in Ethiopia. He is also Research Associate of the Centre of Governance and Human Rights at the University of Cambridge and of the Centre for Global Communication Studies (CGCS), Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
Assistant Professor, Colorado State University.
Case Study: Race to the White House
Antero Garcia’s research focuses on developing critical literacies and civic identity through the use of mobile media and game play in formal learning environments. Prior to moving to Colorado, Antero was a teacher at a public high school in South Central Los Angeles. Antero received his Ph.D. in the Urban Schooling division of the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. In 2008, Antero co-developed the Black Cloud Game. A Digital Media and Learning Competition award recipient, the Black Cloud provoked students to take real time assessment of air quality in their community. Using custom-developed sensors that measure and send data about air quality, students critically analyzed the role pollution played in their daily lives and presented recommendations to their community.
Antero’s numerous publications and conference presentations address technology, educational equity, youth participatory action research, and critical media literacy. Updates about Antero’s work can be found on his blog, The American Crawl.
Artist, designer and independent researcher, Art and Code Design.
Case Study: Your Story Goes Here
Exploring technology and urbanism through visual, experiential and theoretical strategies, Michelle Gay designs and develops ways to foster meaningful civic and social engagement through applied, speculative and poetic efforts. Gay holds a Master of Information Science from the University of Toronto and a Master of Fine Art from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. She combines research and practice in areas of design thinking & visualization, art & digital media production, and technological tinkering. Recent public projects include: exploring the mobile phone as personal and social archive used to co-create visual and conceptual narratives; contemplating the intersection of public and private spaces through a visual inventorying of local ravine systems and near-future shelter modeling; and exhibiting a new-form digital bookwork situating the computer-as-philosopher creating real-time ruminations on what it means to be human.
Director, Civic Engagement and Journalism Initiative, University of Southern California.
Daniela Gerson directs the Civic Engagement and Journalism Initiative at University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. She is the founding editor of Alhambra Source, and developed Reporter Corps, a program to train young adults to report on their own communities. Daniela’s reporting focuses on immigration issues, and she has contributed to the Financial Times Magazine, The New York Times, PRI’s The World, Der Spiegel, WNYC: New York Public Radio and was a staff immigration reporter for the New York Sun. Daniela was an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation German Chancellor Fellow and an Arthur F. Burns Fellow, researching contemporary guest worker programs in Europe.
Associate Professor, Applied Communication, Psychology of Communication, Intercultural Communication and Social Media Studies, Turkey.
Case Study: The 2013 Gezi Park Protest and #resistgezi
Dr. Ulas Basar Gezgin is an academic with nearly 15 years of teaching experience (communication, psychology, education, economics and others) in various institutions in Turkey, Vietnam/Australia/Britain, Thailand and Malaysia/U.S. During the 2012-2014 academic years, he taught Communication Theories, Research Methods, Communication with Children, Theories of Personality, Cross-Cultural Psychology and other courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Gezgin has published 11 books so far and a number of book chapters and journal articles. As of 2014-2015 he works at British University Vietnam which is affiliated with University of London and Staffordshire University.
Professor, English, California Polytechnic State University.
Case Study: The PolyXpress Mobile Ethnographic Storytelling System
David Gillette is also the Director of the Liberal Arts & Engineering Studies program at California Polytechnic State University; an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts program that combines, in equal portions, upper-level courses from the colleges of engineering and the liberal arts. He received his Ph.D. in History of the Novel and Interactive Design from the University of New Mexico. Dr. Gillette specializes in studying and directing multi-disciplinary collaborative teams, with a focus on community development, technical and system documentation, educational outreach, and technology prototype development and testing. He has over sixteen years experience teaching undergraduate and graduate level students in technical communications, cross-disciplinary technology development and testing, and in media technology design in the USA and Asia.
PhD candidate, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton.
Case Study: Meu Rio: An urban problem-solving platform in Brazil
Joshua Goldstein is passionate about using technology to help governments in emerging economies become more effective and inclusive, particularly in the provision of health care, education and broadband Internet. He works with great civic technology initiatives like Duma, Code for Kenya and Kepler. Joshua is ex-Google, ex-Berkman, and ex-UNICEF Innovations. He is an avid trail runner and proud resident of Washington D.C.
PhD Researcher, Center for Civic Media, MIT Media Lab.
Case Study: Strike Debt and the Rolling Jubilee: Building a Debt Resistance
Erhardt Graeff is a PhD researcher at the MIT Center for Civic Media and MIT Media Lab. His latest projects involve building civic technologies that empower people to be greater agents of change, performing quantified analysis of media ecosystems, and documenting new forms of civic participation enabled by digital media. Beyond academia, Erhardt is a founding trustee of The Awesome Foundation, which gives small grants to awesome projects. Erhardt holds master’s degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Cambridge and two bachelor’s degrees from Rochester Institute of Technology.
PhD researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture (CISSC), Concordia University, Canada.
Case Study: Singapore Memory Project: Producing Public Memory through Social Media
Natalia Grincheva’s doctoral research encompasses new museology, cultural diplomacy, and social media. Her project focuses on the use of social media in museums' international outreach and diplomatic activities and aims to evaluate the impact of cultural diplomacy programs implemented online within a museum context. Natalia is a holder of several prestigious international academic awards including the Fulbright Scholarship (2007-2010), Quebec Fund Fellowship for Research on Society and Culture (2011-2013), Australian Endeavour Research Fellowship (2012-2013), and others. Her most recent publication, "'Psychopower' of Cultural Diplomacy in the Information Age" published by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (Figueroa Press), received Digital Humanities Award in the category 2013 Best Publication.
Project Manager WC CoLab for eInclusion and Social Innovation, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
Case Study: Aliens on Campus - An alternate reality approach to student inclusion
Wouter Grove has made his mark in various roles within the management consulting, risk management, information technology and operations management fields. He has managed complex programmes in various industries and sectors: Financial Services, Contact Centers, Security & Risk Management, Retail, Supply chain & Logistics, as well as Government and State-owned Enterprises. Over the last few years Wouter has taken an interest in serious gaming and recently completed his Master’s thesis cum laude on the topic with special emphasis on the intersection of the trends of ubiquitous gaming, ubiquitous computing and social networks. He is currently a PhD student at the University of the Western Cape focusing on digital social innovation. Wouter is a member of the Serious Games Association, CEO of Gamechangers Pty Ltd, and consults as Professional Associate to the University of Stellenbosch's School of Public Leadership. When Wouter is not designing and writing, he is an oncodad, wannabe rock climber and closet musician.
Ph.D, Teaching Assistant, Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland.
Case Study: Implication of social media on electoral participation in India
Pallavi Guha has been a professional journalist and media educator for almost a decade. Pallavi has worked internationally for leading media organizations including BBC News and television in London and The Times of India in India. As a journalist Pallavi reported on politics and education including the social changes in UK during the Blair administration, parliamentary elections in India, winners of Special Olympics among others. Pallavi has been a teaching assistant and taught several courses on gender, media and communication. Pallavi has majored in Political Science from Presidency College, Kolkata, India. She has two masters’ degrees, in International Relations from Jadavpur University, Kolkata and Communication from Rutgers University, NJ. She has also completed M.Phil degree in International Relations from Jadavpur University, India. Pallavi's research interests include social media communication, gender, politics and media.
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Journalism, University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada.
Case Study: Idle No More: Media and the Indigenous People Revolution in Canada
Alfred Hermida is an award-winning online news pioneer, digital media scholar and journalism educator. His research interests include social media, computational journalism and emerging forms of digital storytelling, and his work has been published in Digital Journalism, Journalism Studies, the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication and the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media among others. His book, Tell Everyone: Why We Share and Why It Matters, (DoubleDay Canada, 2014), examines how social media is reshaping media, business and activism. He is also co-author of Participatory Journalism: Guarding Open Gates at Online Newspapers, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011). Alfred has a distinguished journalistic pedigree, having worked for BBC News for 16 years. He spent four years as a correspondent for the BBC in the Middle East and went on to be one of the founding members of the BBC News website. He holds a Ph.D. in journalism from City University, London.
Assistant Professor, Communication, University of Texas at San Antonio.
Case Study: A Case of Online-to-Offline Activism
In May 2014, Luis Hestres earned his PhD from the School of Communication at American University, where he wrote his dissertation under the guidance of Dr. Matthew C. Nisbet. His work has been published in New Media & Society and the International Journal of Communication, and he has presented at the ICA conference, among others. Before pursuing his doctorate, Luis worked as an online organizer at various nonprofits, and was most recently the Internet and Communications Director at the 1Sky climate campaign, which merged with in April 2011.
Luis’ research focuses on the intersection of technology, political communication and mobilization, Internet freedom, and social change. Topics he has researched or intend to include: how different types of advocacy organizations use the Internet to communicate with their supporters and mobilize them; how the policies and technical features that information intermediaries like Facebook, Twitter, Apple, etc. implement affect freedom of expression online and the work of advocacy organizations; the different ways that advocacy organizations communicate online with their supporters about climate change; and online political communication and organizing as an emerging profession.
Director of Graduate Studies in the Design Division at the University of Washington.
Case Study: Pivot: Surreptitious Communications Design for Victims of Human Trafficking
Tad Hirsch is a designer, researcher and educator. He is currently Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Design Division at the University of Washington, where he leads the Public Practice Studio, a multidisciplinary, public-interest design group. The Public Practice Studio's anti-human trafficking project, Pivot, was awarded a 2013 Gold Industrial Design Excellence Award from the IDSA and took top prizes in the 2014 IxDA Interaction Awards and the 2013 Design Ignites Change Idea Award competition.
Tad was previously Senior Research Scientist at Intel Labs, where he led teams of designers, engineers, and social scientists that investigated technology and cultural practice. He was a member of the Rhode Island School of Design's Digital + Media faculty from 2006-2008, and has taught courses in art, design, and engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Oregon.
Tad a founding member of the Institute for Applied Autonomy, an art/technology/activism collective that was active from 1998 - 2008. IAA projects, including graffiti-writing robots and surveillance-camera avoidance systems have been exhibited in art, activist, and engineering venues including the Victoria & Albert Museum (London), the Museum of Modern Art (New York), ZKM (Karlsruhe), Mass MoCA, the New Museum (NY), Cincinnati Art Center, Australian Center for the Moving Image, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Hackers On Planet Earth and the International Conference On Robotics And Automation. IAA projects have been chosen for an Award of Distinction and two Honorable Mentions at the Prix-Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria and were selected for RES Magazine's 10 Best New Artists of 2005.
Tad holds PhD and MSc degrees in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT, and an MDes in Interaction Design from CMU. As a grad student, he developed mobile communications systems for activist organizations around the world. A phone-based independent media service he designed for Zimbabwean civil society organizations took top prize at the Knight News Challenge in 2008, and his TXTmob project is widely acknowledged as the inspiration for Twitter. While this didn't translate into financial reward, it did earn him a subpoena from the New York Police Department.
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado, Denver.
Case Study: Priorities and Pathways for Civic Caucusing: The Michigan Student Caucus
Jeremiah (Remi) Holden is an assistant professor of Information and Learning Technologies at the University of Colorado Denver’s School of Education and Human Development. He plays at the intersection of the learning sciences and teacher education, designing novel environments and experiences for both pre- and in-service teachers across multiple settings, practices, and disciplines.
Remi maintains strong connections to the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Games Learning Society Center, where he co-chairs the national Playful Learning Summit. He is also a founding member of the University of Michigan's Institute for Innovation in Education.
Doctoral candidate, Vanderbilt University, Peabody College, Department of Teaching and Learning.
Case Study: Nashville: Building Blocks
Through a particular emphasis on digital media, his research explores learning that moves across settings, including through schools, libraries, and cities.
Author, speaker, facilitator, software engineer, community organizer.
Case Study: The Civic Cloud: A Public Access Model and the Internet
Bradley Holt is a Code for America Brigade Captain with Code for BTV in Burlington, Vermont. He co-organizers Vermont Code Camp and the Northeast PHP Conference. He is the Board Chair at Vermont Community Access Media (VCAM) and Chair of the BTV Ignite Community Working Group.
Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Public Relations, University of Oregon, School of Journalism and Communication. @LauriePHonda
Case Study: It Gets Better Project
Laurie joined the University of Oregon's SOJC faculty in Fall 2013, and her research focuses on LGBTQ-targeted strategic communication efforts. Prior to completing her doctorate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she worked in various agency, client, and research roles, most notably as a Research Manager on the Web Intelligence Research Division (WIReD) team at J.D. Power & Associates. In that role, Laurie analyzed consumers' social media-based discussion about Fortune 500 corporations, nonprofit organizations, and media outlets and served as the Account Manager for JDPA’s CNN partnership. Laurie's weekly reports were published on
Professor, Computer Science, California Polytechnic State University.
Case Study: The PolyXpress Mobile Ethnographic Storytelling System
Dr. Michael Haungs received his B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering and OperationsResearch from the University of California, Berkeley, his M.S. degree in Computer Science from Clemson University, and his Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis. Dr. Haungs specializes in game design, web development, and cloud computing. He is the developer of PolyXpress—a system that allows for the writing and sharing of location-based stories. Dr. Haungs has also been actively involved in curriculum development and undergraduate education. Through industry sponsorship, he has led several K-12 outreach programs to inform and inspire both students and teachers about opportunities in computer science. Recently, Dr. Haungs took on the position of Co-Director of the Liberal Arts and Engineering Studies (LAES) program.
Student, Seoul National University, Korea.
Case Study: Another Promise’s Digital Civic Network against a Fear of Samsung
Hyun-Chol has been interested in the contributions of films to movements for social justice. While taking part in The Filmmaking Co-Op himself, he witnessed how Another Promise has been made from a close distance. Hyun-Chol plans to pursue his career in finance after earning his BA in both Economics and Education in 2015.
Principal and Co-founder of Art is Open Source, Glenn H. Greeberg Yale World Fellow.
Salvatore is a designer, robotics engineer, artist, hacker and principal and co-founder of Art is Open Source. A TED Fellow (2012) and an Eisenhower Fellow (2013), his work explores the growing intersection between technology and art. As a way of commenting on and interacting with an ever-changing world, Salvatore has produced video games, artificial intelligences, expert systems for business and scientific research, entertainment systems, mobile ecosystems and interactive architectures. While based in Italy, Salvatore’s artwork and performances have been featured worldwide. He teaches digital design at La Sapienza University of Rome, and actively participates in global discussions and actions around themes of freedom of expression, big data and on potential future scenarios for our planet.
Training, Operations, and Programming Director for KAOS-FM Radio at Evergreen State College.
Case Study: Harassment and Karen Klein
Media is an extremely important part of Morgan’s life, whether she is creating it, consuming it, or educating others about it. She believes that through technology everyone has the ability to be a broadcaster - but that with that comes the need to teach people media literacy and to think critically about what they and others are posting online. Morgan’s interests include youth media, radio, and podcasting; affinity spaces and participatory culture; and social justice and civic media. Morgan comes from an eclectic background – in the past she has worked as a Research Assistant at the Media Education Lab, part of the Harrington School of Communication and Media, URI; taught youth and adult classes for public access TV stations; and worked at various radio stations. She graduated from the Warner School of Education with her MS in Teaching & Curriculum with a focus in digital media and literacy and received her BA in Media & Cultural Studies in American Society and English from the University of Rochester.
Senior Lecturer and Research Fellow, Utrecht School of Journalism, Netherlands.
Case Study: Pop-Up Newsroom: We are Where You Are
Marco van Kerkhoven combines teaching journalism with research on local and regional news ecosystems, journalism ethics and media innovation, and is finalizing his PhD. Since 1995 he has worked as a science, technology and business editor for different international media, spending half a decade as an EU-correspondent in Brussels. In 2003, Van Kerkhoven worked in Baghdad, Iraq, as a consultant to co-develop a School of Journalism. He has written and edited several non-fiction books.
PhD Candidate, Art History and Communication Studies, McGill University, Canada.
Case Study: Community Radio as Civic Media: The case of Radio al-Balad 92.4FM in Amman, Jordan
A PhD candidate in Communication Studies at McGill University, Gretchen King conducted her dissertation fieldwork at Jordan's first community radio station, Radio al-Balad 92.4FM. She approaches community radio stations as civic media institutions that facilitate political learning environments and thereby promote social change. Her research enjoys support from Media@McGill, the Faculty of Arts, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et la cultures. Previously News Director at Montreal’s community radio station CKUT 90.3FM for ten years, Gretchen continues to work as a scholar-activist within community media movements and recently published on her experiences in Islands of Resistance: Pirate Radio in Canada (2010), Free City Radio (2014), and InCirculation(2014).
Research Fellow with the People and Systems Lab at QUT
Case Study: Guerrilla Research Tactics: Alternative Research Methods in Urban Environments
Dr. Ben Kraal's recent work has focussed on how people experience complex systems and services with a focus on airports and healthcare. Dr Kraal’s work is situated at the intersection of design and qualitative sociology and draws on both disciplines to reveal how systems and services are made and made useful.
Research Associate, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research, University of Bremen, Germany.
Case Study: Hacking politics: civic struggles to politicize technologies
Sebastian studies how hacker organizations gain legitimacy and how they politicize contemporary technology. More recently he has also commenced research on the way homeless people use media technologies and infrastructures and what weight this has for their social and political life. At the University of Bremen he is a researcher in the interdisciplinary network Communicative Figurations. Sebastian holds a PhD from Goldsmiths, University of London, and is the European Editor of Arena Magazine as well as editorial member of the fully refereed graduate journal PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication.
Assistant Professor, School of Communications, Elon University, Elon, North Carolina.
Case Study: Better Reykjavik: Open Municipal Policymaking
Derek Lackaff is the founder of the Better Alamance Project (, a civic technology collaboration focused on Alamance County, North Carolina. His research focuses on social media, civic technologies, creative industries, and the social psychology of communication technology use. He teaches in the iMedia ( program at Elon University.
PhD student, Department of Communication & Media, RPI.
Case Study: OpenNY: Civic Engagement through Open Data and Open Platforms
Candice Lanius’s research interests are data analytics used for communication-based research, both on and offline. This includes methodologies for meta-data, big data, and networked communication; rhetoric of statistics and data visualization; and the politics of analytic technologies. She also teaches and works in HCI and user-centered design.
Doctoral candidate, Journalism & Media Studies, Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland. United States / Ukraine.
Case Studies: Galas: Mobilizing & Managing Volunteer Humanitarian Efforts Online During Euromaidan Protests In Ukraine; Mapping the Election: Use of Crowdmapping in Ukraine
Tetyana Lokot is a Ukrainian researcher studying augmented dissent and the use of digital media and social networks in protests in Ukraine, Russia and other post-Soviet countries. Her other research interests include propaganda and information manipulation in the media, civic and grassroots media, and post-Soviet Internet culture. She is a contributing editor for RuNet Echo, a Global Voices project covering the Russian-speaking Internet. Tetyana has an M.A. in journalism from National University Kyiv Mohyla Academy in Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD candidate, English, University of California, Riverside.
Case Study: An #EpicFail #FTW: Considering the Discursive Changes And Civic Engagement of #MyNYPD
Sarah Whitcomb Lozier is a PhD candidate in the English department at University of California, Riverside. Her dissertation, titled "Seeing Text, Hearing Image," examines the aesthetics and semiotics of hypermaterial language art across contemporary literary, visual, and digital art production, engaging with the ways these artworks probe the border separating language as material signs from language as discursive codes. In examining the push and pull of linguistic materiality and virtuality in these artworks, she argues that they provide alternative, recuperative sign systems for navigating a world in which a similar struggle takes place between embodied materiality and discursive virtuality of "post"humans and their "post"identities.
Researcher, University of New South Wales
Sophia Maalsen has a range of interests including urban geographies, music, gender and the spatial relations inherent in these. She I have a strong interest in object/subject agency and the ability of technology to extend a person’s agency as well as creating the possibilities for new forms of object/subject relations.
Researcher, Urbanist & Artist, partizaning.
Case Study: Mobilizing Collective Urban Actions through MicroActs
Shriya Malhotra collaborates on interdisciplinary artistic research and creative activism projects. Her research and practice explore the ways in which people shape their cities from the bottom up, and how they can create new dialogues with one another and their built environment. She is part of the Moscow-based creative collective, Partizaning, and a founding board member of Bordr. She is currently researching the role of street art and DIY urbanism as drivers of social change in cities across Russia, India and Brazil.
Lecturer, Department of Environment and Geography at the Macquarie University, Australia.
Jess McLean is a lecturer at Macquarie University, Sydney, who is interested in human geographies of change. She looks for examples of where social,environmental and cultural change occurs and examines what conditions contributed to such moments and movements, both initially and in the longer term.
Assistant Professor, Education, Southern Connecticut State University.
Case Study: The #WalkMyWorld Project
Greg received a doctorate in educational psychology from University in Connecticut as a Neag Fellow serving in the New Literacies Research Lab. Greg teaches and researches at the intersection of literacy and technology. He is the current e-editor of the Literacy Research Association and member of the technology, communication, and literacy committee. Greg is also a member of the media and digital literacies collaborative of NCTE. He is also the new literacies section editor for the Connecticut Reading Association Journal. He has published and presented dozens of articles and papers in national and international journals. Greg is involved in many school wide initiatives to improve literacy outcomes using technology.
Mónica Mendes
Assistant professor, Coordinator of the Multimedia Art degree, Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, Digital Media artist, Designer and Researcher, Portugal.
Case Study: ARTiVIS: Appropriating Surveillance Technology for Environmental Awareness and Protection
Interested in designing for a more sustainable world, Mónica Mendes is exploring real-time interactive systems at the intersection of Art, Science and Technology. Mónica is also a researcher at M-ITI - Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, collaborator at CIEBA – Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes, and founding member of AZ Labs hackerspace altLab.
Director of Research Training at Australian National University
Case Study: Guerrilla Research Tactics: Alternative Research Methods in Urban Environments
Dr. Inger Mewburn is responsible for convening and teaching into a range of research education programs at ANU and consults on research education policy within ANU and outside of it. She is the founder and managing editor of the “Thesis Whisperer” blog, which has received over 1 million hits in the last two and a half years and the associated social media feeds which collectively have over 26,000 followers and subscribers worldwide. The blog is recognised internationally for excellence in online research student support and has been archived by Trove as a blog of national significance. She also sits on the advisory board of fIRST, a multi-university organisation facilitating online supervisor training.
Senior Researcher, Civic Engagement Research Group.
Case Study: Race to the White House
Ellen Middaugh’s research focuses on how new media is changing the social context of adolescent development and the implications for educational practice. Current projects include studies of youth experiences with online conflict and research on the impact of classroom practices on students’ digital media literacy. She is co-editor of the forthcoming volume #youthaction: Becoming Political in the Digital Age. Recent publications (with Joseph Kahne) include New Media as a Tool for Civic Engagement(Communicar), Service and Activism in the Digital Age: Supporting Youth Engagement in Public Life; Youth Online Activity and Exposure to Diverse Perspectives (New Media and Society); Online Localities: Implications for Democracy and Education (NSSE Yearbook).
Scholar and Teacher of Internet law and International Communication, University of North Texas.
Case Study: Twitter Use and Negative Campaigning: A Case Study from the World’s Largest Election
Nikhil Moro’s research has appeared in eminent journals: First Amendment Studies, Journal of Internet Law, Journal of Media Law & Ethics, Global Media and Communication, Journal of Contemporary Thought, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, etc. He co-edits the Journal of Contemporary Thought, a peer-reviewed biannual of the digital humanities. He has founded and directed a University of North Texas (UNT) research collective in South Asian Media, Culture & Arts. He has led a UNT effort to collaborate with four Indian universities. Moro’s papers have appeared at prominent conferences: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), International Communication Association (ICA), International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Forum on Contemporary Theory (FCT), etc. His research has won national and regional awards from AEJMC and Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication (SWECJMC). It has found support in coveted academic grants and an international fellowship in Web policy. Moro’s doctoral dissertation, completed at The Ohio State University (whose communication program the National Research Council ranks in the top five in the United States), was considered seminal to the emerging field of Internet law.
CeRI Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell Law School,
PhD candidate, Indiana University, School of Informatics and Computing.
Case Study: The 2013 Protests in Brazil
David Nemer received a MSc. in Computer Science from Saarland University, Germany. He also holds a BSc. in Computer Science from FAESA, Brazil and a BSc. in Business Administration from UFES, Brazil. His research and teaching interests cover the intersection of international development, new media, community informatics, ICT for Development (ICT4D), science and technology studies (STS), postcolonial STS, and human-computer interaction (HCI). Methodologically, David uses qualitative methods drawn from critical ethnography in online and offline contexts, and quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the web.
Ph.D. CITRIS Data & Democracy Initiative, USA.
Case Study: The California Report Card
Brandie Martin Nonnecke is the Research & Development Manager of the CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative at UC Berkeley. Her research focuses on how information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be used as tools to support civic participation, to improve governance and accountability, and to foster economic and social development.
Brandie’s research has included investigating the use of ICTs within low-income communities in the United States and in developing countries. Since 2007, She has conducted research in Uganda on how subsistence farmers use mobile phones to access and deliver agricultural extension and maternal/infant health care services. Brandie helped launch “Establish and Grow,” a grassroots organization in the Kamuli District, Uganda that seeks to minimize food insecurity and malnutrition through the availability of locally-produced nutritient-dense foods, nutritional education, and skills training in health and entrepreneurship, including identifying opportunities to utilize ICTs to reach these objectives. She has published articles in Telecommunications Policy,Telematics & Informatics, Communications & Strategies, andInformation Technologies & International Development.
Assistant Professor,Educational Technologies, University of New Haven.
Case Study: The #WalkMyWorld Project
W. Ian O'Byrne examines the literacy practices of individuals as they read, write, and communicate in online spaces. You can follow him online on Twitter (@wiobyrne), Google+ (, and at his blog (
PhD. Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii.
Case Study: Fort Vancouver Mobile project
Brett studies ubiquitous computing and mobile media. He was the individual recipient of the regional and national 2012 George and Helen Hartzog Award for his research into mobile app development and media delivery systems within the National Park Service as well as the national 2013 John Wesley Powell Prize winner for outstanding achievement in the field of historical displays. He has earned National Endowment for the Humanities’ grants as a scholar for his innovative mobile media research projects. Those include collaborations with America’s first national park, Yellowstone, and the National Park Service’s Harpers Ferry Center, the Interpretive Design Center of the federal agency.
Senior Lecturer
Case Study: Guerrilla Research Tactics: Alternative Research Methods in Urban Environments
Lindy Osborne's research interests and PhD centre on innovative design education and the design of future learning landscapes. Lindy is a member of the Design Learning Collective at QUT, a group of academics who are seeking to develop a research profile around design and architecture education. She is currently seconded to the Chancellery as a Transformation Fellow, where she is working in a team to transform future postgraduate level online education. Lindy’s teaching has been recognised at QUT with a Vice-Chancellor’s Performance Award and nationally through a Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning.
Michael Parks is a journalist and educator whose assignments have taken him around the globe, and whose "balanced and comprehensive" coverage of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa earned him the 1987 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. From 1997-2000, Parks served as editor of the Los Angeles Times, a period during which the Times garnered four additional Pulitzer Prizes. Parks joined the USC Annenberg faculty in Fall 2000 and served as Director of the School of Journalism from 2001 to 2008.
Front-end developer, designer, facilitator, community organizer.
Case Study: The Civic Cloud: A Public Access Model and the Internet
Jason Pelletier is a founding member and Code for America Brigade Captain with Code for BTV. He co-authored Burlington's Gigabit Opportunity report, outlining a strategy and tactics for Burlington to leverage its fiber-optic network. He co-organizes Vermont Code Camp, an annual community technology conference. Jason is a front-end web developer living in Burlington, Vermont.
Admissions officer, teaching assistant, and researcher, MIT.
Case Study: “Bury Until They Change Their Ways”: The Digg Patriots As User-Generated Censorship
Chris is also on the board of the National Coalition Against Censorship, a Fellow at the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution, and a former research assistant at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School. In these capacities, he spends a lot of time reading and writing and thinking about the Internet and how it impacts the way we all communicate and experience our lives (more variations on the theme).
Faculty Member, Education Studies, University of California, San Diego.
Case Study: Designing Communications for Equity in Education
Mica Pollock is the Director of Center for Research on Educational Equity, Assessment, and Teaching Excellence (CREATE), University of California, San Diego. As CREATE Director, Pollock works with colleagues to network UCSD's people and opportunities to learn to the diverse K-12 educators, students, and families of the San Diego region, with the goal of supporting low-opportunity students toward college and careers. Pollock’s own work explores how diverse communities can come together in student support efforts. To date, Pollock has studied communications that support student success in diverse schools and education communities. In multiple projects based in schools, districts, cities, community organizations, and the government, Pollock has asked how people might communicate so they can work together to support every young person’s talent development. Her current work explores how to deploy a university as a hub for sharing opportunities to learn in a diverse community.
Pollock previously taught high school in California and worked in the civil rights field. She received her Ph.D. from Stanford.
Music Studies PhD, Northwestern University.
Case Study: Horizontal Networking and the Music of Idle No More
Liz Przybylski is a hip hop scholar who specializes in Indigenous hip hop practices in Canada and the United States. Her interdisciplinary research bridges ethnomusicology, musicology, and Indigenous Studies. She has presented her research nationally and internationally, including at the Society for Ethnomusicology, Feminist Theory and Music, International Association for the Study of Popular Music, and International Council for Traditional Music World Conferences. Her doctoral research at Northwestern University, supported by a Fulbright fellowship and a Graduate Research Grant, investigated the sampling of heritage music in Indigenous hip hop and analyzed how the circulation of this music in urban environments contributes to ongoing dialogues about cultural change. This project develops an innovative model of on- and off-line ethnography for the analysis of contemporary popular music. As a teacher, she focuses on using creative methods to teach popular music in a university setting. A radio enthusiast, Liz hosted the world music show “Continental Drift” on WNUR and has conducted interviews with musicians for programs including “At The Edge of Canada: Indigenous Research” on CJUM.
Assistant Professor, Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies, Kent State University’s College of Education, Health, and Human Services.
Case Study: The #WalkMyWorld Project
Kristine co-directs the secondary Integrated Language Arts teacher preparation program. Her research focuses on disciplinary writing, the literacy practices of youth in alternative schools and juvenile detention facilities, and preparing teachers to teach writing.
Case Study: Pop-Up Newsroom: We Are Where You Are
Assistant Professor, New Media, Asian College of Journalism, Chennai, India. She teaches social media journalism, data and entrepreneurial journalism and has worked as a columnist and freelance journalist in Ireland and India.
Ph.D. Assistant Professor, English Education, Kennesaw State University.
Case Study: The #WalkMyWorld Project
Ryan’s research interests and publications focus on how adolescents and adults construct and enact literacy practices within and across personal, school, and community spaces.
Lecturer in Sociology School of Social Sciences University of Tasmania, Australia.
Case Study: Marriage equality, Facebook Profiles Pictures, and Civic Participation
Brady Robards was awarded his PhD in sociology from Griffith University in 2012. His doctoral research explored how young people use online social spaces (focused on social network sites like MySpace and Facebook) to construct a reflexive sense of identity and belonging. More recently, he has become interested in how narratives of transition (‘growing up’ stories) are mediated, made visible, archived, and later reflected upon through Facebook. See his publications page for a list articles, chapters, and books. Brady is also engaged in a range of service activities, including an evaluation of a Smith Family project in Tasmania aimed at increasing educational outcomes for young disadvantaged people. Additionally, he is on the steering committee for the Institute of Social Change.
Assistant Professor, Media Studies, The New School.
Case Study: Mobilizing Collective Urban Actions through MicroActs
Nitin completed his doctoral degree at the MIT Media Lab, where he conducted research on networked collaboration for sustainable product design, ubiquitous and wearable computing, speech/auditory interfaces, and responsive media in urban community spaces. Heis a research affiliate with the MIT Center for Civic Media, where he co-founded the Department of Play, a research collaborative, to design participatory mobile video, mapping and pedagogical tools to support creative expression and civic agency among marginalized youth. His current work includes OccupyData Hackathons to facilitate participatory data-driven activism, and developing a collaborative online platform and place-based initiative, MikroAct, to support urban tactics and civic action in neighborhoods of Moscow and NYC. He recently conducted workshops in Moscow examining Invisible Borders in the city.
Nitin’s current research, teaching and creative practice engages the critical role of technology, civic media, and artistic interventions in contested spaces. He examines social movements and crisis contexts, though forms of creative urban tactics, participatory research, performance and documentary film.
Ph.D candidate, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California.
Case Study: Code for America: Scaling Civic Engagement Through Open Data and Software Design
Andrew researches data & democracy, mobile communication, and social media. Specific foci include practices, platforms and infrastructures. As a sociologically-minded scholar, he is particularly interested in subsequent outcomes for society such as social cohesion, civic engagement, and modes of citizenship. He is also researching the open data movement, a network of municipal governments, organizations and “civic hackers” involved in data interpretation and software production.
Andrew’s research and writing has appeared in (or will shortly appear in) New Media & Society, the International Journal of Communication, Information, Communication & Society, American Behavioral Scientist, The Information Society and Convergence. He is currently working with the E-Rhythms Project on mobile communication led by Jeff Boase, and Open Data LA, which is examining open government data in Los Angeles. Andrew is also associated with The Annenberg Lab (with François Bar) and Civic Paths (with Henry Jenkins).
Professor, The Evergreen State College.
Case Study: Civic Intelligence Research and Action Laboratory
Doug is a former chair of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), a founding member of the Seattle Community Network (SCN), and a faculty member of The Evergreen State College where he teaches and learns about civic intelligence, social imagination, technology, and social implications of the network society.
Doug's new book Liberating Voices: A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution which was published in November, 2008 contains 136 patterns was written by Doug and over 80 contributors. His recent books, co-edited with Peter Day, are Shaping the Network Society: The New Role of Civil Society in Cyberspace (MIT Press) and Community Practice in the Network Society: Local Action / Global Interaction (Routledge). He also co-edited Cyberculture: The Key Concepts (Routledge) with David Bell, Brian Loader, and Nicholas Pleace. His book New Community Networks: Wired for Change (Addison-Wesley) is freely available online in both English and Spanish.
For over 20 years Doug has been engaged with issues relating to society and computing, mostly as an activist with CPSR. He has worked on many CPSR projects including all eight of CPSR's biannual symposia on the "Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing" (DIAC) conferences, which provide a public forum for social implications of computers. Doug is currently the program director for CPSR's Public Sphere Project where he is coordinating a participatory action / research project on civic intelligence.
Postdoctoral researcher, Cornell.
Case Study: City Beat: Social Media Data Visualization Platform for Journalists
Dr. Schwartz is a magic grant fellow at the Brown Institute for Media Innovation. Raz studies social media usage in urban settings and focuses on examining local social interactions by applying computational social science methods. Prior to joining Cornell Tech, Raz was a postdoctoral researcher at the Social Media Information Lab at Rutgers University. Raz completed his Ph.D. in the STS program at Bar-Ilan University and was a visiting scholar in the Human Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. His research on location-based social networks was presented in various prestigious academic settings and was featured in media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Wired, Rhizome, and The Atlantic.
Lecturer, Interaction Design, Ulster University.
Case Study: DIY Citizenship in the “New Northern Ireland”: The Case of a Belfast Makerspace
Pip’s work explores the structures, dynamics, practices, and ethics of digital culture making. She has worked extensively as a researcher, designer, artist, and educator in Australian and the UK. She was awarded a PhD in Media and Communication from the Queensland University of Technology in 2014, and a B.Design in Visual Communication from the University of Technology, Sydney in 1998. Her academic publications to date have focused on philosophies of technology and the politics of participation.
Director & Producer, Hollow, Interactive LLC.
Case Study: Hollow
Elaine McMillion Sheldon is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and visual journalist. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Wired UK, The Atlantic, LA Times, Huffington Post and PBS Mediashift. Sheldon’s feature-length and short films have screened nationally and internationally. Her most recent project, HOLLOW: an interactive documentary, examines the future of rural America through the eyes and voices of Appalachians. Using interactive data visualizations, short films, archival footage, user-generated content and community content, HOLLOW brings McDowell County, West Virginia to life online for users all around the world to explore. HOLLOW has received recognition from the Peabody Awards, World Press Photo, SXSW, International Documentary Festival of Amsterdam and is a 2014 Emmy nominee. In 2013, Filmmaker Magazine named Sheldon one of the 25 New Faces of Independent Film. She works as a freelance media consultant, story curator, filmmaker, editor and producer. Sheldon is currently in-production for her next documentary film and interactive project in Miami, Florida.
Graphic/web designer, visual communication educator.
Case Study: Connecting Across Oceans Over Air
Yvette Shen’s design work has been recognized by various design organizations and featured in different publications and exhibitions around the world. She currently works as an assistant professor/lecturer at University of Utah Department of Communication.
Visiting Professor, Flagler College, St. Augustine, Florida.
Case Study: The #WalkMyWorld Project
Molly Shields teaches a variety of first-year courses, including Rhetoric & Composition, Introduction to Film Studies, and Research Topics in College Writing. Prior to joining Flagler College, Molly was an instructional designer for Ottawa University's distance learning program. Her teaching interests are in the areas in which literacy and technology intersect. She has written and published research on the topics of technoliteracy, visual learning in first-year composition, and digital storytelling in post-secondary education.
Fellow at metaLAB at Harvard and a PhD candidate at Malmö University in Sweden.
Case Study: Missing Intentionality: The Limitations of Social Media Analysis For Participatory Urban Design
Luca Simeone’s research interests include design management, organizational strategies for collaboration, strategic design targeted to innovation. His trajectory crosses design management, interaction design and design anthropology. He has conducted research activities in leading international centers (Harvard, MIT, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology), (co)authoring and (co)editing some 50 publications. His latest book (Visualizing the Data City, Springer, 2014) explores the potential of data visualizations for more inclusive urban design, planning, management processes. He is the founder and managing partner of Vianet, an interaction design agency focused on delivering advanced technology and design solutions based on ethnographic research methods. Vianet has worked on more than 500 high-impact and award-winning projects, from interactive museums to experimental publishing platforms. Luca also works as a consultant for public and private organizations (the European Commission and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) in order to help define strategies, policies and funding schemes to support strategic design approaches targeted to innovation. Over time, Luca’s work has acquired a socio-political perspective aimed at using design as a tool to foster participation and dialogic processes.
Assistant Professor, Information Management, Institute of Management Technology Nagpur.
Case Study: Social Auditing & Transparency: Domestic Cooking Gas Cylinders Distribution in India
Abhishek Narain Singh holds a PhD in the area of information security management from Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India. Current research interests of Dr. Singh include information security management and e-Governance. Dr. Singh has been a fellow of Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) and has worked as a visiting scholar in Ludwig-Maximilians-University at Munich in Germany. His publication and other details can be found here.
Learning Sciences Ph.D. student, Northwestern University.
Case Study: POPPYN: A Philly Youth News Platform
Natalia is interested in collaborative media production, youth representation, participatory curriculum development and civic identity.
Her current research focuses on learning through collaborative media production, especially as it relates to development of civic identity. She is studying this relationship through a variety of dimensions: - analyzing the epistemic cultures of expert journalists and other media makers - observing and theorizing social and political dimensions of participation that facilitate learner agency, such as joint framing and collaborative critique - using multi-modal analysis to trace how youth journalists deploy different semiotic resources to construct hybrid genres of creative expression and position themselves as legitimate participants in the public sphere - designing tools to support collaborative media production and literacy in online learning environments.
Post-doctoral research fellow, Faculty of Information University of Toronto.
Case Study: Exploring Net Neutrality with Mozilla Webmaker
Karen is a researcher interested in digital media, design, citizenship and society. Her work explores the themes of openness, privacy and participation in digital society. She completed her PhD student in the Faculty of Information and Knowledge Media Design Institute at the University of Toronto, Canada. Currently, she is a Mitacs Elevate post-doctoral research fellow working in partnership with Mozilla and U of T. She contributes to Hive Toronto, a network of 40 youth serving organizations interested in digital literacy and conduct user experience research for Webmaker.
Head of the Programme, Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP), UK.
Nicole Stremlau’s research focuses on media and governance, particularly in areas of conflict and insecurity in Africa. Her most recent projects examine the role of new media in political participation and governance; media law and regulation in the absence of government or in weak states; the role of media in conflict, peacebuilding and the consolidation of political power; and how governments attempt to engage citizens and communicate law-making processes.
As Coordinator of PCMLP, Stremlau develops and manages international programmes on media law and policy, including the Price Media Law Moot Court Programme. She has established links between PCMLP with universities, law firms and media companies in India, China, Eastern Africa and the Middle East. Stremlau is co-director of the annual Annenberg-Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute, a researcher and author for the Horn of Africa for the annual Freedom House Press Freedom Rankings and an Associate Fellow at the Centre for Global Communications Studies, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
Assistant Professor of Fine Arts - Emerging Design Practices, University of Pennsylvania, School of Design.
Case Study: United Colors of Dissent
Telhan holds a PhD in Design and Computation from MIT's Department of Architecture. He was part of the Sociable Media Group at the MIT Media Laboratory and the Mobile Experience Lab at the MIT Design Laboratory. He studied Media Arts at the State University of New York at Buffalo and theories of media and representation, visual studies and Graphic Designat Bilkent University, Ankara.
Telhan's individual and collaborative work has been exhibited in venues including the 13th Istanbul Biennial, 1st Istanbul Design Biennial, Ars Electronica, ISEA, LABoral, Archilab, Architectural Association, the Architectural League of New York, MIT Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, and the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York. Telhan is part of the xLAB.
Pieternel Thijssen has a master degree in Business Information and is head of the innovation department of the Public Library of Midden-Brabant. She is one of the initiators of the KnowledgeCloud and the network supervisor of the project.
Case Study: The Tilburg Public Library KnowledgeCloud
Senior Lecturer in Journalism and Communication at Bournemouth University; Associate Director of the Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community.
Case Study: Citizen journalism and Civic Inclusion: Access Dorset
Einar is on the Executive Committee of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA), the Editor of MeCCSA's Newsletter Three-D and the association's online communications. He is a former member of the Executive Board of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network and a founding member of its journal Networking Knowledge. He was also instrumental in setting up the MeCCSA Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability Network.
Einar's research is primarily concerned with online journalism, news innovation, citizens' voices and news reporting of political change. He has conducted research on BBC News Online during the 2005 and 2010 UK General Elections, analysing news sources and opportunities for citizens to contribute to public discourse and democratic life. He has edited a special issue of Journalism Practice (2012) concerned with online reporting of elections, co-edited two volumes of Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives with Stuart Allan (Volume 1: 2009, Volume 2: 2014, Peter Lang), and has published journal articles and book chapters on public service media online, citizen journalism, crisis reporting, climate change, Wikinews and WikiLeaks.
Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Journalism, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Autonomous University of Querétaro (Mexico).
Case Study: The #YoSoy132 Movement in Mexico
At the University, Emiliano teaches digital cultures, social movements and digital media, qualitative methods and citizens' participation and social media.
His research combines insights from media practice theory, media ecological approaches, critical political economy of communication, mediation and mediatization paradigms and the sociology of culture and communication in order to study digital activism and problematize the multiple roles that communication technologies play within social movements. His work has been published in journals such as New Media & Society, Communication Theory, the International Journal of Communication, Global Media and Communication, Communication & Society, Convergence, and in edited books in English, Spanish, and Italian. His publications can be found here.
Associate Professor, Writing and Rhetoric, University of Central Florida, Orlando.
Case Study: The Human Rights Campaign Facebook Logo
Stephanie’s research focuses on online social networking and computer games, particularly how these technologies affect literate practices and the composition classroom. Her work has appeared in such journals as First Monday;Computers and Composition; and e-Learning and Digital Media and her textbook E-Dentity (Fountainhead Press, 2011) examines the impact of social media on twenty-first century literacies.
P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan (PhD – IIT Kanpur)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
Case Study: Social Auditing & Transparency: Domestic Cooking Gas Cylinders Distribution in India
P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan researches and teaches about production and consumption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) with a special focus on India. Dr. Ilavarasan is a recipient of the Outstanding Young Faculty Fellowship Award at IIT Delhi and Prof. M.N. Srinivas Memorial Prize of the Indian Sociological Society. He is also recipient of research grants from IDRC (Canada), Govt. of India, Oxford Analytica (UK), IPTS (European Commission) and IdeaCorp. (Philippines). Earlier he had taught at Pondicherry Central University and Indian Institute of Management Rohtak. Dr. Ilavarasan's specific research interests are Information and Communication Technologies & Development (ICTD); Information Technology Industry in India; and ICTs & Government. His publications and other details are available here.
Ph.D in Pedagogy, University of Oviedo (Spain), Assistant Professor, University of Valladolid, member of GSIC-EMIC.
Case Study: ICT's and Teacher Professional Development: a three year-case study at a rural school in Spain
Sara Villagrá-Sobrino's current research efforts are devoted to the study of the educational implications of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) scenarios with special emphasis on fostering teacher’s skills during the design and the enactment of flexible CSCL activities in Primary Education with special attention to new ways of evaluating these particular settings.
Professor, Journalism, California State University.
Case Study: Pop-Up Newsroom: We Are Where You Are
Melissa Wall is the creator of the Pop-Up Newsroom, a temporary, virtual newsroom for citizen and student journalists. Pop-Up Newsroom has collaborated with universities around the world to produce collective coverage, including covering global poverty with university journalism programs in the UK, India and Taiwan.
Melissa is the editor of the book, "Citizen Journalism: Valuable, Useless or Dangerous." Her research focuses on international news/participatory media such as YouTube, Flickr, and blogs and has been published in journals such as New Media & Society; Journalism; Media, Culture and Society; Journalism Studies; Journal of Communication Inquiry; Journalism Practice; International Communication Gazette; International Journal of Communication; Popular Communication; Rhodes Journalism Review; Journal of Development Communication; Javnost: The Public; Journal of Middle Eastern Media.
Her latest work focuses on Syrian citizen journalism.
Doctoral Student, University of Delaware.
Case Study: The #WalkMyWorld Project
Julie B. Wise has been in education for 20 years where she served as a third grade teacher, reading specialist, and K-12 literacy consultant. She is currently serving as the President of the Keystone State Reading Association. Julie's research interest is in students' composition process with multimodal sources.
Case Study: United Colors of Dissent
Mahir M. Yavuz is an interdisciplinary designer, researcher and artist based in New York. He works as a creative director & data visualization expert and he is a Ph.D. candidate in Interface Culture at the University of Art and Design Linz. From 2000 to 2006, Yavuz worked as a lead designer and art director in various projects in Istanbul. Between 2006 and 2011, Yavuz was the senior researcher on Information Design at the Ars Electronica Futurelab in Linz. Since 2003, he has also been lecturing and conducting workshops on visualization and information design at universities in Turkey, Austria, Canada and the U.S. Yavuz’s work has been exhibited internationally including Ars Electronica Festival, Siggraph, Istanbul Biennial and ISEA among others.
Associate Professor, Ethnic Studies, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.
Case Study: The PolyXpress Mobile Ethnographic Storytelling System
Dr. Grace Yeh teaches Asian American and Comparative Ethnic Studies courses. She received her Ph.D. in English at UCLA. Her teaching is informed by the importance of community-based and place-based learning, and she has engaged students in numerous public history projects, including a Japanese American internment oral history project focused on the local farming community, a Filipino American oral history project, a public bicycle history tour through a critical ethnic studies lens, and the “Pismo as Palimpsest” digital storytelling project. She directs the Re/Collecting Project, a digital ethnic studies memory project of California’s Central Coast. From the digital archive created through the Re/Collecting Project, she directed an exhibit funded by the Cal Humanities Community Stories grant titled Filipino Love Stories in San Luis Obispo and Northern Santa Barbara Counties, 1920-1970, which examines the constrained circumstances that marked Filipino American lives through the intimate bonds—of marriage, family, and community—that formed in this region.
Assistant Professor, Media Culture, College of Staten Island, City University of New York.
Case Study: Social Media Use and Political Activism in Turkey: 140journos, the Post of Others, and Vote and Beyond
Bilge Yesil is the author of Video Surveillance: Power and Privacy in Everyday Life (2009) and the upcoming The Turkish Model? Media, Democracy and the Neoliberal Islamist State. She writes about Internet regulation, surveillance, censorship and mediated activism in Turkey.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, China Research Centre, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney.
Case Study: Blogging for Truth: Ai Weiwei’s Citizen Investigation Project on China’s 2008 Sichuan Earthquake
Dr. Jian XU is currently a postdoctoral researcher funded by Endeavour Research Fellowship in China Research Centre at the University of Technology, Sydney. He researches Chinese media and communication with a particular interest in new media activism and its social, cultural and political implications.
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication. Austria.
Case Study: #aufschrei – The role of twitter for feminist activism and as platform for alternative publics
Dr. Elke Zobl is the head of the program area Contemporary Arts & Cultural Production“, focus area “Art and Science,” a cooperation between the University of Salzburg and Mozarteum University, Austria.
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