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American Women Warriors' Road Back Home

Kirsi Crowley, Author

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Works Cited

The literature below has been quoted or referred to in this project, or the literature that offers further reading on the issues in this project:

Auchterlonie, Jennifer L. MS, Milliken, Charles S. MD, Hoge, Charles W. MD. “Health Problems Among Active and Reserve Component Soldiers Returning From the Iraq War.” JAMA Vol 298, No. 18. November 14, 2007.

Benedict, Helen. Lonely Soldier: The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq. Boston: Beacon Press, 2009 

Bosch, Jeane O., Maguen, Shira, Marmar, Charles R., Ren, Li, Seal, Karen H. “Gender Differences in Mental Health Diagnoses Among Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Enrolled in Veterans Affairs Health Care.” American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 100, No. 12. December 2010: 2450-6. 

Borah AM, Borah EV, Luethcke CA, Peterson AL, Young-McCaughan S.: “Assessment and Treatment of Combat-Related PTSD in Returning War Veterans.” Journal of Clinical Psychology. Vol. 18, No. 2. June 2011:164-75. 

Castro, C. A., Cotting, D. I., Hoge, C. W., McGurk, D., Messer, S. C., & Koffman, R. L. (2004). “Combat duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, mental health problems, and barriers to care.” New England Journal of Medicine, 351 (2004): 13–22. 

Coalition for Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans. “Veterans Issue Area: National Guard and Reserves”

Cowper, Diane, Hodges, James, Hunt, Carolyn, Kressin, Nancy, Murdoch, Maureen, O’Brien, Nancy.. “Gender Differences in Service Connection for PTSD.” Medical Care. Vol. 41, Nr 8. 2003: pp 950–961 

Dutra, Lissa, Street, Amy E., Vogt, Dawne. “A New Generation of Women Veterans: Stressors Faced by Women Deployed to Iraq And Afghanistan”. Clinical Psychology Review 29 (2009): 685–694

Mulhall, Erin. “Women Warriors: Supporting She ‘Who has Borne the Battle’” Issue Report October 2009, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.

Sadler, Anne G. Ph.D., R.N. “Women and Post-Deployment Health.” Center for Comprehensive Access and Delivery Research and Education, Iowa City VA Health Care System, Iowa City, Iowa. Forum magazine of VA. May 2001.

The United States Department of Defense: “Annual report on Sexual Assaults in the military”. 2010.

The United States Department of Defense: Military Casualty Information.

The United States Department of Defense (DoD). “Population Representation in the Military Services Fiscal Year 2009 Report”

The United States Department of Defense. “Reserve Components NOBLE EAGLE / ENDURING FREEDOM / NEW DAWN. Unique SSAN Activations as of: June 21, 2011Statistics”

The United States Government Accountability Office. Testimony Before the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, U.S. Senate. VA HEALTH CARE. Statement of Randall B. Williamson Director, Health Care. Preliminary Findings on 
VA’s Provision of Health Care Services to Women Veterans. GAO, July 14.2009.

Service Women's Action Network's web page contains information on military sexual trauma.
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