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Anonymous: the "Digital Robin Hoods"

Eva Barrett, Author

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The Beginning

4chan and how Anonymous started.

  1. "4chan is an English-language imageboard website. Users generally post anonymously, with the most recent posts appearing above the rest. 4chan is split into various boards with their own specific content and guidelines."
4chan was founded by a 15-year-old named Chris Poole. Content on the site disappears if it isn't active, so interest keeps things around. The /b/ board is a place for all things random - there are no rules, no restrictions, and anything goes. 

Anonymous came initially as a joke on 4chan.  People wondered, "what if all of this is one person, and you were reading everything posted by one guy, because it's all anonymous..."

The idea spread. People started using their collective numbers to do something humorous, interesting, and attention-getting, like making patterns. They "trolled" websites by coming together to take over popular fantasy game worlds and social networks. These cheap laughs created a sense of community. People felt like they were part of something. 

Trolling: "let's offend people because their offense comes from something so insignificant and not a big deal" (in the simplest terms)

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