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Vegas eliminates time and space

Arturo Olmos-Ceja, Author

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            All this electricity has to get to
the casinos somehow since it can’t magically appear so there are thousands of
power lines that carry huge amounts of electricity to each casino. Occasionally
there is a problem with one of the power lines that requires fixing. The
Agrotors company benefits from this because with all the power lines in Las
Vegas, a few of them are bound to have a problem to fix. Even though Agrotors
benefits from these malfunctioned power lines, they are gambling their workers
lives. When one of their employees goes to fix the power line, all the
electricity is still passing through it. There is enough electricity to turn a
human into ash. The company has to develop special suits in order for the
workers to successfully work on the still electrical flowing power line because
the city of Las Vegas is in need of the electricity so they are not willing to
shut that power line off. Despite the risk associated with this company, it
benefits with being able to have a job and most of their workers enjoy doing
what they do.

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