Juan "Freddie Freak" Trujillo


Freddie Freak  was 30 years old when he took a summer course on Chicano Studies at CU Boulder. This course that he took was offered by the United Mexican American Students (UMAS) 

He was walking on campus one day and he noticed a rally going on by a fountain. He heard words like Chicano Pride and Brown power being spoken. He asked one of the students hanging around the rally what was going on and the student said the group were a bunch of communists and he shouldn't get involved. Trujillo did not support communism so he cautioned himself with the group.

As the days passed on he got more interested with the group and all the activities they were participating in. Trujillo soon came the conclusion that he wanted in the fun and if that meant becoming a communist that he would do it. This communist group that he would join would be the UMAS or United Mexican American Students.

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