Tunnels, Pools, and Ghosts: Exploring Space at St. Catherine University

Derham Annex

The Derham Annex is a building without a name, it has only ever been referred to by its function. Today this is a challenge, as the building has no function it would imply that it has no name. This makes this project more difficult since the building has no current name but has a history. For this project I have named the building, the Derham Annex, to reflect its proximity to Derham Hall and continuation of Derham’s function.  In the past this building has had a wide variety of functions, today it houses the carpenter staff and the basement is vacant. The building originally was the powerhouse and held the library reserve room. The building later served as a lounge, named the Katiecombs, providing a space for students to have as their own. The students decorated the lounge themselves taking ownership of the space. Later the basement served as a bookstore, however, this was an unsatisfactory option as the building was not accessible providing logistical challenges for students with limited mobility. The Department of Public Safety was the most recent inhabitant of the Derham Annex, moving out in the summer of 2016. There is nothing particularly exciting about their residence except that they may be the last to inhabit the building. The building is on its last leg and unless something drastically changes it will be uninhabited and eventually torn down. The most recent space plan even called for Derham Hall to be extended resulting in the removal of the Derham Annex.

The building is not particularly peculiar except for the lack of a name. Every other building on campus has been carefully named to reflect the story of the university. This building deserves a name because of the work it did and the spaces it provided. The Derham Annex worked as an extension of Derham Hall and helped to provide services when there was no space elsewhere. 

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