Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Truth Reconciliation and Food final weeks

For the final weeks of the term, while we work on the chocolate project, students will decide which of the final readings they would like to read and report on -- and then will create complementary paths through the class's video projects.

First, everyone should read the "how to taste chocolate" and listen to the ~half hour of chocolate radio here. (The reading and radio are under the table pics.)

Then, the three choices for next week include:

Pressure Cooker: Why home cooking won't solve our problems and what we can do about it
(And we can divide that up so that everyone reads the introduction and conclusion, and your group can decide who reads chapter 2, 3, 4, and 5, which are short, but are the interesting stories.)

The introduction and conclusion to Carolan, M. (2018). The real cost of cheap food. Routledge.

Or the scholarly article: Social sustainability indicators as performance (below).


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