Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Third Video Story: Ethics + Red Meat Production

This section of my video stories focus on the ethics of mass beef production. A few years back, the ethical question of mass beef production became a major concern when the maltreatment of cows in slaughter was exposed and went viral online. This video gives us an insight on the practices in a slaughterhouse in France. Although we can be against slaughter, somebody has to do it as long as there's demand for beef. This video touches upon the controversial "humane" way to slaughter a cow. An expert provides insight on the procedures and how it's humane.

Dog Food is a short film which criticizes "humane" slaughter. In the short film, a butcher and a very strong connection with his dog. The butcher practices the humane way of killing in his shop. His dog goes missing. A mysterious girl invites him over for dinner. 
The humane way of killing is controversial. There's definitely an ethical concern still prevalent in the slaughter of animals. 

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