Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Second Video Story: Environment + Red Meat Production

I wanted to focus on many aspects of mass beef production. In this video story I focus on the environmental effects of mass beef production. I found this video very informative, and a great general overview on the environmental effects of raising, and feeding cows for slaughter. 

I am an ASAP Science fan. I was excited when I saw this video. What if everyone decided to go vegetarian? A lot of the videos I feature on this page focus heavily on Methane gas, however, ASAP Science raises the concern of water consumption and addresses that even though reducing our intake of red meat is becoming somewhat of a trend, many other countries actually increased their intake of red meat recently. It's interesting to hear what would happen if that "what if" came true, and how we could possibly take some of the aspects of this "what if" and make it a reality.

This video is very dramatic. Although climate change and the toll of mass beef production is a very serious concern, the music and effects in the video is a bit over the top. However, this video is very informative and I especially enjoyed the tidbit on how mass beef production is a very ineffective way of producing food. In my video stories I try to exposed why its not the most efficient way of producing food, it's detrimental for our health, earth, and ethics. 


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