Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Pressure Cooker story

- Delina's story: Community meal 
- Oliver: Helping the food problem 
- Klimisha: Food and community 
- Cooking at home and fixing the food system 

Kayde's Story: Mass beef production has been quite the controversial topic. On one hand the public somewhat recognizes the effects of production on the environment, however on the other hand the public doesn't want to lose their sirloin steak, The truth about mass beef production is misconstrued and far more complicated than two black-and-white sides. A number of problems arise from climate change, deforestation, dwindling water supply, various health effects, and raises ethical concerns. Dr. Heather Fields uncovers truths about red meat as she explores the effects of mass beef production on the environment, and on the effects of red meat on health. With small choices, we can make big changes. 

Klimisha's video description: When the schools in the City of New Bedford realized that a large number of families in the community didn’t have access to a reliable source of healthy and affordable food. The schools in the city of New Bedford sought the help of Zeo Hansen-Dibello a renowned programming manager who later became the visionary of Grow Education a program whose goal was to make more healthy and affordable food accessible to the numerous communities in New Bedford. By creating community gardens located throughout New Bedford's public schools. 

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