Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Mel's Article Story #2

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"Our personal choices of what we eat not only affect our personal health, but also, indirectly, the health of the environment." (Line 5)
This article gives us all the facts and statistics in one place of where humans are in ordinance of health, diet, sustainability, and the future of our environment.  It shows the direct links between the production of the food we eat and how it negatively impacts our well being, the environment, and unlocks the truth about the waste of crops we feed to slaughter animals.  Making our way towards a more plant rich and sustainable lifestyle is the key to how we change our destructive habits.


(Paragraph 4) The changes in diet we must make in a growing society for sustainability
(Paragraph 5) The effects of our "nutrition transition" from plant based meals to more animal based meals over the years
(Paragraph 8) Most crops are wasted feeding animals for slaughter
(Paragraph 17) Getting nutrients from animal products is way less efficient compared to getting nutrients from plant based meals
(Paragraph 23) Eating plant-based foods have significantly less impact on the environment and economy.
(Paragraph 29) Sustaining an Animal product based diet increases risk of chronic diseases and early death

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