Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Mel's Video Story Compilation #1

These are interviews done at the Public Art Saint Paul Sweet & Spring Rolling FreshLo community meal at Hmongtown Marketplace on February 18, 2017 as a part of the Art of Food in Frogtown and Rondo Project.  They're interviewed on their experience with local community food and how it connects to health, togetherness, and sustainability for a greater world.  

Interview #1: 
Cassie Silveria saying... (1:25-2:02) her own definition of healthy food and healthy eating. 


Her definition of Healthy living and food is the idea of lifestyle I wish for people(the world) to strive for.  The principles she mentions to have a good and healthy meal is part of my own principles and my story of self I use to educate the public on my message. 

Interview #2:
Micheal Stratten saying...    (2:02-3:00)    The importance of togetherness and celebration around food.
(3:30) " It's not just nourishment for your body, it's also nourishment for your soul.  That's why they call it soul food."
(3:58-4:34) His own definition of food and healthy eating.

The effort he puts into his family through food is amazing.  The idea of trying to sit down and have a meal with his daughter many times a week is more than many families could say these days.  His strive for him and his family to eat good food is a great example of what a healthy family is.

Interview #3:
Caleb Cain saying... (1:45-2:06) Giving an example of what healthy food means to him.

Having such a young boy to already have some of his favorite foods be fruits and vegetables is quite rare to hear these days compared to the stereotypical chicken McNuggets or pizza.  He also goes into talking about his family and their own vegetable garden.

Interview #4:
Sheronda saying... How many recipes have come down to her and her family over the generations.  She still has recipes from her great great grandmother that they make for family gatherings still.  The idea of tradition and celebration around food is a better outlook on food than to just eat it because it's good and you got to eat.  Food is used to socialize with people and links us together as a whole.  That's a message I always try to pursue and share with others

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