Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Food's Low Price At High Costs

Fast Track To Fast Food: 

The unhealthy decision is always easier to make than a healthier decision. But why? Everyone knows the benefits of eating healthy and how it promotes a better lifestyle and a better standard of living. However, in order to compete with that, the unhealthy food industries make sure that their snacks and fast foods are so good and addictive they might as well be drugs. 

Cost of Eating Healthy: 

One major topic that affects a consumer's choice in foods is price. Often times than not, the price of a bag of chips will be significantly lower in price compared to the price of an apple, which would result in the purchase of the cheaper food for an afternoon snack. The constant choice of unhealthy foods due to price can have an effect on one's health overtime as well. The more unhealthy you eat the higher the chances of getting obesity-related diseases. 

Food Equality: 

Often times fast-food chains, drug stores, alcohol stores, and most other unhealthy choices you can find or make will be found in lower-income homes. In terms of food choices, poorer families will often get McDonalds for dinner because the price of fresh produce is more expensive. The videos below further explain the issue and provide possible solutions to help support healthier food choices and availability. 

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