Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Chocolate (Our purpose)

Time (1:53-2:13)

In the 21st century, American college has become the second-largest expense that an individual is likely to make in a lifetime second only to purchase a home.

Video Project #1: This project examines the importance of interdisciplinarity by using Professor William Moseley as an example.
Video Project #2: This project explains why nuclear power is an important, safe, and efficient alternative energy source that is drastically underutilized.
Why thorium is so good

Video Project #3: This project shows the difficulties of conservation practices when there are conflicting water use issues in surrounding areas by using the Okavango Delta as an example.
Biodiversity and Dams

Video Project #4: This project shows the problems associated with the proposed copper-sulfide mines near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area.

His video stories were about mental health and making sure that people get the things they need, whether that be therapy or food access. It's important that people are able to get food they need and treatment they need.

Time: (5:33)
A social experiment showing bullying and seeing how people react to it. The video shows a series of reactions, some letting the harassment happen, and others stepping in to stop the bully. 
Listen to (4:20-6:40)


This video brings together the present and past generations of cultures and shows how the present generations depend on past ones for cultural values and traditions.

As I've been reflecting on the history of lynching in the US and connecting this to the theology of James Cone, the theme of courage has jumped out at me. The courage to tell the ugly stories that are apart of our history that no one wants to talk about. While giving recognition to our history it is important to identify the ways the same patterns of injustice may be happening to date. 

I want my video story to lean towards the message of how youths should have a voice when it comes to the changes that get made in schools and the government. Youth are often discriminated against because of their age, but age shouldn't be the reason you stop someone from making a change that they are to be impacted by.

My video stories talked about the importance of finding local resources such as community gardens if people live in food deserts or just like fresh food in general. I talk about how important it is to not throw out food in order to help our economy.

Most of my video stories are based on the Community Meals. People and organizations came together to explore ways their organizations and communities could creatively cultivate a stronger community food system. And finding ways to provide fresh vegetables and fresh greens for the community. 

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