Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Alexis Anoje Story Of Self Bio

A change I want to make in the world is to prevent bullying. I'm called to make that change because bullying happens everyday, but isn't ever discussed until something tragic happens or until someone gets hurt.

I've personally had small instances of being picked on, but not severe enough to label it as bullying. In 4th grade there were a few kids in my class who would pick on me, call me names, and do things to bother me and hurt my feelings. I felt like I was in a school that I didn't belong in. However, this did teach me how to stand up for myself and to not let people treat me anyhow. Another thing that shaped my experiences of bullying is that I spent a lot of time watching the news, and seeing cases of kids who lost their lives to bullying and kids who hurt others due to being bullied themselves. My passion for bullying runs deep as I created a little movie about a girl being bullied and displayed the different types of bullying from  physical down to cyber. I also made a follow up video to explain to my audience the effects and dangers of bullying. I may have a very small fan base, but I do believe the even if I can spread a message to a small amount of people, I'm still making a change. I wouldn't exactly call myself an anti-bullying activist, mostly because I'm very shy and introverted and leaders can't be shy to make a change. Even though I don't see myself as an activist. I still love doing the small things even if it makes a difference to prevent bullying.

At the moment I'm working with a few friends to create a movie club at Hamline. I know this doesn't solve bullying, but my goal is to to make movie club a place where everyone feels welcome to join and partake in activities in which we can all enjoy so we get along. I want the club to be a space where everyone feels safe and that they belong there. In junior or senior year, I would love to step up and create an anti-bullying club with the purpose of working with other students to find ways to prevent bullying at Hamline.

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