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The Wimpy Protest

Olivia Valdes, Author

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  1. Unmute your computer!  There are several short videos to watch, and some pages play (unobtrusive) sound clips.
  2. Roll over the green hyperlinks to read distillations of the connection between the Wimpy narrative and current feminist scholarship, with a particular focus on theories of embodiment and political demonstration. If you click a green hyperlink instead of rolling over it, just hit the back button to return to your place in the narrative.
  3. Blue hyperlinks indicate that the text has a related media file. Click the link to see the media file.
  4. If you would prefer to preserve the immersive narrative quality of the experience (an option with definite merit), don't roll over any green links during your first read-through. You can always travel through the narrative a second time to browse the links whenever you wish!
  5. Click here to view the bibliography for this project.
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