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The Wimpy Protest

Olivia Valdes, Author

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The Plan

You climb the stairs to the meeting room, which is plastered with posters and lined with bookshelves. 

When you enter the room, women are already discussing the Wimpy campaign.  They tell you that they've put together a Wimpy campaign planning group, and have learned the legal justification for the Wimpy policy: any place open to the public at night could exclude anyone on the grounds that they were likely to be criminals, and the criminals most likely to be detectable at a glance were thieves and prostitutes. So, legally, Wimpy can exclude unaccompanied women after midnight if they assume that all unaccompanied women in public after midnight are prostitutes.  Even though none of you actually have a test for Wimpy burgers (so, the ability to enter the restaurant after midnight has little importance), you decide that isn't really the point.

You hear that a consciousness-raising group in Golders Green recently attempted to set off stinkbombs in their neighborhood Wimpy Bar, but the event went unnoticed, perhaps because the group was small and inconspicuous.  Letters to the company and to local newspapers haven't had any response, either. As you discuss what steps to take next, you conclude that you should coordinate with the small consciousness-raising groups throughout London and mount a large, unified demonstration.  You'll hold a late-night demonstration outside a Wimpy Bar, conspicuously positioning your bodies in the exact space and time that Wimpy Bar forbids.

A few weeks have passed. Click below to head straight to the Wimpy Bar on the Marble Arch end of Oxford Street for the demonstration.
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