Weighing Scales References
- Bazilchuk, Nancy.
"Viking-age Balance Scales Found." Sciencenordic.com. July 9, 2013.
Accessed May 13, 2015. http://sciencenordic.com/viking-age-silver-button-and-balance-scales-found. - Fitzhugh, William
W., and Elisabeth I. Ward. Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga. Washington:
Smithsonian Institution Press, in Association with the National Museum of
Natural History, 2000. 104. - Bazilchuk, Nancy.
"Viking-age Balance Scales Found." Sciencenordic.com. July 9, 2013.
Accessed May 13, 2015. http://sciencenordic.com/viking-age-silver-button-and-balance-scales-found. - Fitzhugh, William W., and Elisabeth I. Ward. Vikings:
The North Atlantic Saga. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, in
Association with the National Museum of Natural History, 2000. 103-106. - Williams, Gareth.
"Viking Money." BBC - History. February 17, 2011. Accessed May 11,
2015. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/vikings/money_01.shtml.
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