Rhenish Glass Beaker References
1. William W. Fitzhugh and Elisabeth I. Ward (eds.), Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga (Smithsonian Institution, 2000), 118.
2. "Birka the Viking Town," Museums in Stockholm, accessed 12 May 2015, http://www.stockholmmuseum.com/museums/historic/birka-vikingastaden103.htm
3. Fitzhugh and Ward (eds.), Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga, 420.
4. "Birka Vikingastaden," EXARC, accessed 12 May 2015, http://openarchaeology.info/venues/birka-vikingastaden-se
6. "Glass cone beaker with a pointed base: 5th-6th century," Museum of London, accessed 28 April 2015, http://collections.museumoflondon.org.uk/online/object/22277.html
2. "Birka the Viking Town," Museums in Stockholm, accessed 12 May 2015, http://www.stockholmmuseum.com/museums/historic/birka-vikingastaden103.htm
3. Fitzhugh and Ward (eds.), Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga, 420.
4. "Birka Vikingastaden," EXARC, accessed 12 May 2015, http://openarchaeology.info/venues/birka-vikingastaden-se
5. Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald (eds.), The Viking Age: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2014), 274.
6. "Glass cone beaker with a pointed base: 5th-6th century," Museum of London, accessed 28 April 2015, http://collections.museumoflondon.org.uk/online/object/22277.html
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