The Digital Baermann

Muzio Clementi to Heinrich Baermann, March/April 1819

From Muzio Clementi, March/April 1819
To Heinrich Baermann

Source D-Dl, Mus.Schu.41
Transcription Emily Worthington
Notes D-Dl dates this letter c. 1810 but Baermann's appearances at the Philharmonic Society in London took place on 15 March and 26 April 1819. In the first concert Baermann performed a 'Fantasia' of his own composition; in the second, his 'Septett  (MS.)  for  Clarinet,  Strings  and  two  Horns'.

Source: Foster, Myles Birket. History of the Philharmonic Society of London 1813-1912 : a Record of a Hundred Years' Work in the Cause of Music. London: John Lane, 1912.

“Dimanche matin

Mon cher Mons. Baermann

J’ai été chez Watts, Secretaire de la Societé Philharmonique, qui m’a dit que la Soirée de Mardi prochain est destinée aux Symphonies et Ouvertures, et comme on espère que les Directeurs vous priseront de jouer en-core une fois, ce sera [?assez] de répeter vôtre Concertino le jour de la Repétition.

je suis,
avec admiration pour vôtre talent très distingué, vôtre très humble serv. 
Muzio Clementi”

"Sunday morning

My dear Mons. Baermann

I went to see Watts, Secretary of the Philharmonic Society, who told me that next Tuesday evening's Soirée is destined for Symphonies and Overtures, and as we hope the Directors will like you to play once more, it will be [?enough] to rehearse your Concertino on the day of the Rehearsal.

I am,
with admiration for your distinguished talent, your most humble servant. 
Muzio Clementi"

Post-edited Deepl translation

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