The Digital Baermann

Heinrich Baermann to Giacomo Meyerbeer, 12 April 1837

From Heinrich Baermann, München, 12 April 1837
To Giacomo Meyerbeer

Source D-Bim. No digitisation currently available.
Transcription Meyerbeer, Giacomo. Briefwechsel und Tagebücher, ed. Heinz Becker. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1959-2006, bd. III p.35–7.

p.35: Baermann thanks Meyerbeer for sending him a piano score of Les Hugenots and praises the opera. He reports showing it to Lachner, newly installed as Kapellmeister in Munich, who promised to perform it. Baermann praises Lachner’s influence on musical taste in Munich.
p.36: Baermann encourages Meyerbeer to present Les Hugenots in Munich himself and chides him for not responding to letters. He expresses pride at the achievements of his sons Carl and Heinrich, the latter a painter.
p.37: Baermann speaks of his affection for Meyerbeer's brother, the painter Michael Beer and his sadness at his death, of which he learned while touring in St Petersburg in 1833. He recalls Beer’s intention to support his son Heinrich financially. HB sends affectionate greetings to Meyerbeer's mother and wife. In a postscript, Baermann reports that Les Hugenots will be performed in Munich during the next October festival.


“...was mich aber warhaft glücklich macht, sind die Riesenschritte meines aeltesten Sohnes Carl der vor wenig Tagen in einem großen Concerte, durch Composition und Vortrag eines seiner neuesten Concerte, mir stille Bewunderung abgezwungen, und das Publikum zur Anerkennung seine Virtuosität hinriß...”

“...what makes me truly happy, however, are the giant strides of my eldest son Carl, who a few days ago, in a great concert, by composing and performing one of his latest concertos, forced silent admiration from me, and moved the audience to acknowledge his virtuosity...”

Post-edited Deepl translation


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