The Digital Baermann

Carl Baermann to Friedrich Wilhelm von Jahns, 18 March 1865

From Carl Baermann, München, 18 March 1865
To Friedrich Wilhelm von Jahns

Source D-B, Weberiana Cl. X, Nr. 23
Transcription Complete Works of Carl Maria von Weber. Digital Edition, Weber-Gesamtaugabe (Version 4.8.1 of August 21, 2023) Last change of this document on May 2, 2023.
Summary Baermann writes affectionately, apologising for his slow reply. He answers Jahns’s questions regarding the Peter Schmoll Overture; the oboe arrangement of the Concertino for Clarinet; a version of the Clarinet Concerto in F minor that replaces the horns with male voices (made by Heinrich Baermann for a memorial concert after Weber’s death); changes to the Silvana Variations for Clarinet and Piano op. 33 that reflect ‘the virtuoso spirit of the performance’; the aria ‘Non Parventar Mia Vita’; and the duet ‘Mille Volte’ op. 31/1. He signs off saying that he must attend to a pupil who is ‘fantasy-ing impatiently’ [ziemlich ungeduldig fantasieren] in the next room, before going to the opera.

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