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Thank You for Swiping

Gabrielle Rulon, Author

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Chapter 0111

To take down the system they need access to the main programming facility. They gain entrance by using Jane’s barcode. Upon entering, they move toward the programming room where software is programmed for ThirdEye. Anon knows where it is. She helped design it. However, the corporation knows of her dissent, so any effort by her to access the room will be denied and reported immediately. Jane must unlock the door with her barcode. 

After swiping her wrist across the censor, the door opens. They enter. The only thing they need now is the password to access the code. John knows pattern detection and decryption due to his experience with password protection software for iglasses. After a few minutes he is able to unlock this level of ThirdEye, gaining access to the code. A trip alarm is set in the process. They need to act quickly. Anon begins to work on the code. Time is running out. The room has become a vacuum as air drains from the space. With less and less oxygen they will die. Breaking this world, this prison, is their last chance at surviving. Jane feels life begin to fall through her fingertips as she gasps for her last breath. She begins to lose every sensation of existence until the world becomes black.

Then every feeling comes back to her. Feelings that she never felt before. The ache disappears. A new pain, a new presence, a new wholeness consumes her body. She opens her eyes, emerging from the darkness. She has entered a new space.
A new world. Grey and sinister, but real. She looks across at the bodies which begin to wake up. Naked and frail, they cling to life. Peering over to her left, she sees Anon and John lying next to her, looking stunned but aware. Jane opens her mouth, uttering her first words, “What now?”

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