SENĆOŦEN: A Grammar of the Saanich Language

32.2. Object pronouns (subject not in control): NEW̱ verbs

     Singular      Plural
2‑OṈE‘you’‑OṈE HÁLE‘you folks’
3 Æ‘him, her, it’Æ‘them’
1)ȻENÁṈNOṈES SW̱.You manage to help me.’
2)ȻENÁṈNOṈES SW̱ HÁLE.You (pl.) manage to help me.’
3)ȻENÁṈNOṈEȽ SW̱.You manage to help us.’
4)ȻENÁṈNOṈEȽ SW̱ HÁLE. ‘You (pl.) manage to help us.’
5)ȻENÁṈNOṈE SEN. I manage to help you.’
6)ȻENÁṈNOṈE ȽTE.We manage to help you.’
7)ȻENÁṈNOṈE SEN HÁLE.I manage to help you (pl.).’
8)ȻENÁṈNOṈE ȽTE HÁLE.We manage to help you (pl.).’
9)ȻENÁṈNEW̱ SEN.I manage to help him/her/it/them.’
10)ȻENÁṈNEW̱ ȽTE.We manage to help him/her/it/them.’
11)ȻENÁṈNEW̱ SW̱.You manage to help him/her/it/them.’
12)ȻENÁṈNEW̱ SW̱ HÁLE.You (pl.) manage to help him/her/it/them.’
13)ȻENÁṈNES.He/she/it/they manage to help him/her/it/them.’
14)ȻENÁṈNOL¸W̱ES.‘He/she/it/they manage to help us.’
15)ȻENÁṈNOṈES.‘He/she/it/they manage to help me.’

1 These models show the second set of object suffixes. We call this the -set because the ‘me’ and ‘you’ objects here have . Other transitivizers also occur with these -set object suffixes. See §40.
2 The meaning of each of the models here implies the notion of ‘manage to’ or ‘finally succeed in’ or ‘accidentally.’ The subject is not in complete control of the situation, but does succeed. This is the difference in meaning between these and the models in §32.1.
3 The noncontrol suffix here is basically ‑NEW̱. The EW̱ drops when a subject or object suffix follows. So, for example, ȻENÁṈNEW̱ + OṈE becomes ȻENÁṈNOṈE.
4 When the root ends in N, the addition of the ‑NEW̱ suffix puts two N’s together. These are usually pronounced as one long N sound, sometimes as one short N, but never as two separate N’s. For example, in QENNEW̱ ‘see it’ the two N’s are usually pronounced as one long N. Be sure to never put another E between the N’s when pronouncing it.
5 Verbs with these noncontrol endings are translated into English in several ways. The words in English that usually indicate that the noncontrol objects should be used in SENĆOŦEN are ‘manage to,’ ‘accidentally,’ ‘finally,’ and especially any of these and ‘succeeded.’
6 The models 13, 14, and 15, have the third person subject. These are grammatical but not often used. These are some the forms that younger L1 SENĆOŦEN speakers are less comfortable with. Usually the transitive is avoided when the actor is third person, so the passive ȻENÁṈENEṈ is used. The passive constructions are covered more in the next chapter, §33.
7 The stem sometimes changes with the noncontrol endings. Compare this list with the list of transitive verbs in §1.2. These have the same roots as the verbs in §1.2:
ȻENÁṈNEW̱     ‘manage to help it’
QENNEW̱         ‘see it’
ÍNEW̱            ‘manage to wake it’
ŚÁMNEW̱         ‘manage to dry it’
ȽIȾNEW̱           ‘manage to cut it’
MEDNOW̱       ‘manage to bend it’
SEJNO          ‘manage to hit it’
SÁ¸NEW̱           ‘manage to lift it’
ȻÁ¸NEW̱          ‘manage to drop it’
XEĆNOW̱         ‘manage to figure it out’
TEȻNOW̱         ‘manage to break it’
ȻENNEW̱         ‘manage to take it’
Note that some of these end with NOW̱, while others end with NEW̱. As a rule, if the basic transitive ends in ‑ET with the stressed E, then the noncontrol transitive will end in NOW̱. These words have ‘vowelless roots’ also called ‘zero stems.’ We’ll come back to this topic in §34.
QENNOṈES E SW̱?‘Did you see me?’
EWE SEN S QENESE.‘I didn’t look at you.’
SÁ¸NEW̱ LE¸ SEN.‘I managed to lift it.’
EWE SW̱ S XEȽSOT.‘Don’t hurt yourself.’
32.2A. Translate each into English.
32.2B. Translate each into SENĆOŦEN.
1. I figured you out.
2. You managed to help us.
3. Did you see us?
4. You woke me (accidentally).

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