Systems Theory
"A systems theory develops a description of real- world phenomena in terms of an abstract logic of explanation that is constructed by the observer. " Marshall Scott Poole [49]
According to Poole [60-70], Systems Theories in Organizational Communication include:
- Structural-Functionalism
- Cybernetics
- Organizing and Sensemaking
- Crazy Systems and Unusual Routines
- Structuration Theory
- Informal Chaos Theory and Informal Complex Adaptive Systems Theory
- Radical Constrictivism and Self-Reflexive Systems Theory
- Statistical Models
- Deterministic Mathematical Models
- Communication Network Models
- Self-Organizing Systems Models
- Luhmann
- Cellular Autonoma
- System Dynamics
- Catastrophe Theory
- Complex Adaptive Systems
- Formal mathematical modeling based on Chaos Theory
- Logic-Based Systems Models
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