Rhetoric and Writing

Annotated Bibliographies

As part of your research papers in English 102 papers, you’ll be required to write an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a list of sources that you’ve cited in your paper, like a works cited page; however, the source citations are followed by summaries of the sources. These summaries should cover the source’s main points and evidence. Your instructor may give you a specific format to use, such as “The Rhetorical Precis,” so be sure to follow their instructions. A sample entry for an annotated bibliography will look something like this:
Elliott, Luther, et al. "Video Game Genre as a Predictor of Problem Use." Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, vol. 15, no. 3, Mar. 2012, pp. 155-161. Academic Search Premier, doi:10.1089/cyber.2011.0387.

In their scholarly article, “Video Game Genre as a Predictor of Problem Use,” Luther Elliott et al argue something about video games that I could probably find in the abstract. They support this argument by discussing survey results sent to adult video gamers about types of games played and time spent playing. Their purpose is to discover which game types lead to addictive behavior in order to better understand, treat, and prevent video game addiction. I will use this article to support my claims about how game addiction is partially a problem in certain types of video games.
Annotated bibliographies can guide your research papers. Summarizing an article’s argument and the author’s evidence helps you determine the best information to use from each of your sources. In the “Integrating Source Material” section of this text, you learned that one quotation could potentially build a whole paragraph. As you complete each of your annotated bibliography’s entries, you can be drafting your paper, or a significant portion of it, by finding quotes from your sources.
If you’re assigned an annotated bibliography, be sure to follow your instructor’s requirements an ask your instructor if you have any questions.  

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