The hashtag #LAStreetVendors itself is a portrayal of activist media mobility from being inclusive without restrictions of physical barriers to producing various sources of information that all relate back to street vending. The hashtag serves to bring awareness to the campaign for the legalization of street vending in Los Angeles. It is a claim to the public space that can be used by anyone, in any location.
I chose to include #LAStreetVendors as an piece in my exhibit because I believe it captivates the modern day intersectionality through which street vendors’ activism has turned into a structure that is consumable in multiple ways. Street vending began as a decorative economic representation of Mexican culture in Los Angeles and through the years evolved with the inclusion of activism representing various sectors of Latino life and culture in Los Angeles. The use of the hashtag and the mobility and accessibility it represents provides a connection to the mobility that was made possible for street vendors through activism. It also allows for ideas and dialogue to be shared in a collaboration of intersecting causes to achieve justice and representation in a landscape.
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