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Latino/a Mobility in California History

Genevieve Carpio, Javier Cienfuegos, Ivonne Gonzalez, Karen Lazcano, Katherine Lee Berry, Joshua Mandell, Christofer Rodelo, Alfonso Toro, Authors

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Tom Baca. “Can You Dig It?” Inside Eastside. March 15-29, 
1968. The Centro de Acción Social Autonomo Papers. Stanford University 
Special Collections M0325. Box 30, Folder 14. 

Michael Balchunas. "Man in the Middle." Pomona College Magazine, 44, 3. 2008. Accessed November 16
 2014, .

Margarita Berta-Ávila, Anita Tijerina Revilla, Julie Lopez Figueroa, eds., 
Marching Students: Chicana and Chicano Activism in Education, 
1968 to the present (Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2011). 

Fr. Henry Casso. “Testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Equal Educational 
Opportunities.” August 18, 1970. The Centro de Acción Social Autonomo Papers. 
Stanford University Special Collections M0325. Box 29, Folder 6. 

Rebecca Contreras. “East Los Angeles students walkout for educational reform (East 
L.A. Blowouts), 1968.” April 24, 2011. Global Nonviolent Action Database. 
Accessed 22 October 2014, angeles-students- walkout-educational-reform-east-la-blowouts-1968 .

Tim Cresswell. On the Move (New York: Taylor and Francis, 2006). 

Virginia Espino. "Interview of David Sanchez, Session 2." "La Batalla Está Aquí": The Chicana/o Movement
 in Los Angeles. 2006. UCLA Oral History Collection. Accessed November 18,

Virginia Espino. "Interview of Vahac Mardirosian, Session 2." "La Batalla Está Aquí": The Chicana/o
 Movement in Los Angeles. UCLA Oral History Collection. 2006. Accessed November 19,
 2014, .

Victor Franco. “Bonds of Injustice.” Inside Eastside (Student Newspaper). March 15-29, 
1968. The Centro de Acción Social Autonomo Papers. Stanford University 
Special Collections M0325. Box 30, Folder 14. 

Jema Garcia. "It's a prison..." The Centro de Acción Social Autónomo Papers. 
Stanford University Special Collections M0325. Box 30, Folder 14. 

Mario T. Garcia and Sal Castro. Blowout! Sal Castro and the Chicano 
Struggle for Educational Justice (Chapel Hill: University of North
  Carolina Press, 2011). 

Don Mitchell. The Lie of the Land: Migrant Workers and the California Landscape
(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996). 

Gilda Ochoa. "Pump Up the Blowouts: Reflections on the 40th Anniversary of the Chicano/a Student
 Blowouts. Rethinking Education. 2008. Accessed December 10, 2014,
content/uploads/2009/11/03pump-up-the-blowouts.pdf .

Raul Ruíz. “The Tragedy of Garfield High.” Inside Eastside (Student 
Newspaper). March 15-29, 1968. The Centro de Acción Social Autonomo Papers. 
Stanford University Special Collections M0325. Box 30, Folder 14. 

Dial Torgerson. “‘Brown Power’ Unity Seen Behind School Disorders.” The Los Angeles
  Times. March 17, 1968. The Stan Steiner Papers. Stanford University Special 
Collections M700. Box 53, Folder 17. 

The United States Senate. “Mexican American Education Labeled Shameful Corner of Educational System.” August 14, 1970. The Centro de Acción Social Autonomo Papers. Stanford University Special
 Collections M0325. Box 29, Folder 6. 

“East Side High School Students List Demands.” The Los Angeles Times. March 
17, 1968. The Stan Steiner Papers. Stanford University Special 
Collections M700. Box 53, Folder 17. 


Mapping Mobility:

Lincoln High School- Jim Ober. "Sal Castro at Lincoln High." June 10, 1968. Los Angeles Public Library.
 The Herald-Examiner Collection. LAPL00041330 , HE box 4370. .

Church of the Epiphany- Episocopal Diocese of Los Angleles. "Church of the Epiphany." Accessed
 November 28, 2014, .

Los Angeles International Airport- Valerie Mendoza. "Chicano! History of the Mexican American Civil
 Rights Movement.Video. NLCC Educational Media, 1996." The Journal for MultiMedia History, 3.
  2000. Accessed December 2, 2014,

Limits On Mobility:

"Disturbances at Belmont High School." Los Angeles Public Library. Herald-Examiner Collection.
 LAPL00041330 , HE box 4370. LAPL00058787, HE box 225. Accessed December 2, 2014,

Mobility Through Media (In order of appearance): 

Inside Eastside, March 15-28, 1968. The Centro de Acción Social Autónomo Papers. 
Stanford University Special Collections M0325. Box 30, Folder 14. 

"Students Awake." The Centro de Acción Social Autónomo Papers. 
Stanford University Special Collections M0325. Box 30, Folder 14. 

"Strike For a Better Education." The Centro de Acción Social Autónomo Papers. 
Stanford University Special Collections M0325. Box 30, Folder 14. 

"Lincoln High needs Sal Castro" (Sticker). The Centro de Acción Social Autónomo Papers. 
Stanford University Special Collections M0325. Box 30, Folder 6. 

"Lincoln High needs Sal Castro" (Advertisement). Eastside Sun-Wyvernwood Chronicle. 
Aug 28, 1969. The Centro de Acción Social Autónomo Papers. Stanford University Special Collections M0325. Box 30, Folder 6. 

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