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Latino/a Mobility in California History

Genevieve Carpio, Javier Cienfuegos, Ivonne Gonzalez, Karen Lazcano, Katherine Lee Berry, Joshua Mandell, Christofer Rodelo, Alfonso Toro, Authors

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This project would not have been possible without the support of so many inspiring individuals, from the East to the West Coast.

I’d like to thank Yale ITS and the Becton Center for helping us put together an amazing event. And thank you to everyone who came out to partake in our event. Your presence and your support is very much appreciated.

I’d also like to thank mentors who have supported me throughout the semester, Professor Alicia Schmidt-Camacho, Professor Stephen Pitti, Sebastian Perez, and Tyler Rogers. Thank you for believing in me from the start.

A huge thank you to my peers in the seminar: Chris, Karen, Alfonso, Kate, Josh, and Javier, for your amazing work in the course . You have all helped me engage with the material in exciting and dynamic ways, and it was my pleasure to learn from you all.

This project would not have been possible without the incredible art and activism work of Rosie Martinez, Bella Doña L.A., Andrew L. Quesada, Joaquin Guzman, and the young Latina women involved in the photography featured in my project. It was a privilege to present your work at Yale University, as I believe your work challenges us to think about valuable forms of knowledge outside of the academy.

Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to thank one of the best instructors I’ve ever encountered, the lovely Professor Genevieve Carpio. I have been impressed with your work from the beginning and I cannot wait to see you continue to thrive in your future academic career. Thank you for pushing me to think even more critically about my ideas and for your every word of advice along the way.

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