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Primero- Colorado Fuel and Iron's Model Town

Blake Hatton, Abbie Specht, Authors
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Primero Saloon

Before the Clubhouse was operated by the Y.M.C.A., It was a saloon operated by CF&I.  According to Camp and Plant in 1902,
"Vices, especially drunkenness, all too common in most mining towns, have here been
reduced to the minimum by the careful surveillance exercised by the company. All resorts and saloons common in many camps have been excluded from here by the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. A club house, managed by F. McPherson, and subject to the constant oversight of the company, occupies a commodious building. Here are billiard, pool and card tables, and a place where liquors and cigars are sold. No gambling for high stakes, however, is permitted. There is no display of liquors in the windows, and no liquors are sold to minors, habitual drunkards, and those who seem to be bordering on intoxication. "
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