Cass Elementary School Activities
Cass elementary in 1903. Before the junior high and high school of Primer were erected, Cass elementary was not only a place for education, but also a place for the community to house group meetings, social events, and community gatherings.
Young girls sewing in 1903.
1904 Cass Social
In January of 1904, Camp and Plant describes the efforts of the town to host enjoyable events on Saturdays’ at Cass elementary. “At the appointed hour the room was filled to the proverbial overflowing point with an expectant crowd, and it is safe to say that no one was disappointed.”1917 Dentist Visit to town of Primero
The Industrial Bulletin mentions Doctor Brierley publically lectured Primero in 1917 about the importance of good dental hygiene and what care is needed for teeth. All students attended the lecture.1921 Christmas
In 1921 the Cass students gave Christmas entertainment on December 23, and students in grade school and high school participated. The Industrial Bulletin maintains the excitement of the parents and state, “The auditorium will filled with parents and friends, who thoroughly enjoyed the performance”.1926 Sewing
The Pinon year 1926, showcased sewing and how it was a large part of the mining communities of Primero, Segundo, Glutch, and Tercio. The classes were held for young girls, and Pinon noted, "some excellent work done". The girls would make stitches out of samplers, and after, clothing items. The kindergarten girls were given particular instructions by the teacher, and was expected to carry on with sewing once the teacher finished instruction.Previous page on path | Cass Elemtary School, page 1 of 1 |
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